## 视频
<video src="https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/30-LibaiGenerate/31-LiBaiRebrandingVideo/PRO301-Next_gen_trucking__How_Iveco_Group_uses_AWS_to_harness_generative_AI-LBrebrandingWCaptionCN.mp4" class="bytemdVideo" controls="controls"></video>
## 导读
下一代卡车可将安全性和效率提升到新的高度。为了实现这一愿景,Iveco 集团正在利用亚马逊云科技上构建的生成式 AI 技术重新定义驾驶员与车辆之间的关系。Iveco 集团与亚马逊云科技专业服务公司合作,正在符合隐私标准的车队数据上训练定制的生成模型,以提升驾驶员的体验。例如,生成式对话代理可与驾驶员进行自然对话,为娱乐、信息检索和车辆更新创建无缝界面。本次论坛将探讨重新定义亚马逊云科技集团驾驶员体验的创新技术,以及亚马逊云科技在负责任地部署这些技术中的关键作用。
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The video first introduced the speakers: Alessandro Ercolani, director of the automotive department at Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技), Fabrizio Conicella, head of digital advanced technology at Iveco Group, and Marco Guerrero, leader of data, AI, and machine learning in professional services at 亚马逊云科技. Alessandro outlined the agenda for the speech, including providing background information on Iveco Group, discussing the partnership between Iveco and AWS, detailing their collaborative process, introducing new products developed through generative AI, explaining the technical architecture, and finally summarizing the next steps and the Q&A session.
Next, Fabrizio took the stage to introduce the background of Iveco Group. He noted that one of the main challenges faced by fleet owners currently is a shortage of drivers, with over 400,000 job openings in Europe. Drivers face long periods away from home, unpredictable events leading to delays, and managing complex logistics under pressure. The goal of Iveco Group is to drive a more sustainable society by providing power to their clients' businesses and tasks. Their products and services focus on sustainability, health, safety, and productivity.
Founded in 1975, Iveco Group is a merger of several companies, including Fiat Industrial, Macchi, and Pesaro brands. Headquartered in Turin, Italy, the company employs 35,000 staff and operates globally, with research and development centers and manufacturing facilities across the world. Innovation and technology are the backbone of the company, with over 5,000 patents held. Their values align with those of 亚马逊云科技, making it easy for them to collaborate successfully.
Fabrizio stated that the automotive industry is experiencing an automation revolution, with new interactions between humans and machines creating commercial value. Iveco Group is customer-centric and committed to enhancing sustainability, safety, and productivity. Their journey with Amazon Web Services began in 2019, when the two companies met in Seattle and decided to collaborate because they shared a common vision. Initial innovation workshops identified solutions to customer pain points, leading to the launch of the Driver Pal voice assistant in 2020. Since then, Amazon Web Services has been assisting Iveco Group in implementing its cloud strategy and migrating its platforms.
亚马逊云科技通过其专业团队Marco,与诸如Iveco集团这样的客户紧密合作,共同实现业务成果而非仅关注技术成果。他们的合作过程始于发现潜在机会和问题,明确目标,然后进行逐步分析和规划。首先进行小规模试点,然后在展示成效后寻求扩大规模,并与合作伙伴共同优化方案。针对Iveco集团,合作项目包括创建新的网络门户、升级Driver Pal、整合车辆数据湖和应用人工智能。Marco强调数据基础和技术设施在驱动人工智能方面的重要性,同时指出Iveco集团过去的算法为其增添了额外智慧。他重申了负责任的人工智能原则,如信任、安全和透明度,这些原则与Iveco集团的价值观相符。
Fabrizio详细描述了驾驶员的需求和挑战。他们期望提高效率、降低能耗、获取可靠建议并缩短行程时间。然而,他们面临着各种不可预测事件、临时停车和复杂的物流安排导致的延误。为了解决这些问题,Iveco的Driver Pal 3.0提供了前瞻性通知、基于人工智能的协作助手以及多语言支持。
Marco接着详细介绍了技术的应用。该解决方案采用了检索、扩展和生成(RAG)方法。驾驶员的问题会被转化为文本,用于[Amazon Kendra](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/kendra/?trk=cndc-detail)从手册中检索相关信息。这些信息会丰富原始问题,并将其输入到[Amazon CodeWhisperer](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/codewhisperer/?trk=cndc-detail)中,以生成最佳解决方案。通过搜索和自然语言生成技术,系统可以检索和分析文档和遥测数据,以提供个性化信息。模型会不断改进,收集匿名的对话数据。为了确保安全性和隐私,采取了加密措施并尽量减少个人识别信息。
总的来说,该视频详细介绍了伊索集团是如何与亚马逊云科技共同开发Driver Pal 3.0解决方案,解决司机和车队所有者面临的挑战问题的。视频中展示了两家公司之间的紧密合作、所遵循的流程以及如何使用CodeWhisperer和Kendra等服务来支持下一代自然语言功能。Driver Pal 3.0为卡车行业的生产率、安全、可持续性和驾驶员体验带来了实际的好处。合作伙伴计划扩大生成性人工智能的使用,强调了这一技术的变革潜力。

作为合作成果,亚马逊云科技和Iveco集团共同推出了Driver Pal语音助手,旨在减少驾驶员与车辆的手动交互,让驾驶员能更专注于驾驶。


预计在2022年推出的Driver Pal 2.0版本将基于Iveco的数据湖,并运用生成性人工智能技术,以提高开发的效率。

## 总结
The video discusses how Iveco Group, a commercial vehicle manufacturer, collaborates with Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技) to develop a new product that leverages generative AI. The product, named Driver Pal 3.0, serves as an active support virtual assistant for truck drivers.
The presentation begins with the challenges faced by truck drivers and fleet owners, including the shortage of drivers and the need for improved driver experience. This is followed by an introduction to Iveco Group's longstanding commitment to innovation and digitization.
In 2019, Iveco Group began collaborating with Amazon Web Services Professional Services to develop cloud-based solutions to address customer pain points. This led to the launch of the original Driver Pal in 2020. With the emergence of generative AI, Iveco Group saw an opportunity to upgrade Driver Pal by adding features such as providing driving suggestions, translating messages, and notifying drivers of potential vehicle issues.
The upgraded Driver Pal demonstrates Iveco Group's ability to deliver impactful products through the use of 亚马逊云科技's AI services, data infrastructure, and the principles of responsible AI. Benefits include increased productivity, safety, reliability, and sustainability. Iveco Group plans to expand the application of its AI technology across its entire business portfolio.
## 演讲原文
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