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This conference began on Friday morning, with speakers Prasad, Giovanni, and Alex welcoming over 300 attendees. They acknowledged that although it was a weekend day, the energy in the conference room was still high. Prasad introduced himself as a senior solutions architect specializing in Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技) migration and modernization. Giovanni introduced himself as a partner solutions architect at the New York office, also specializing in migration and modernization. Alex introduced himself as the lead solutions architect from Uberta, a UK-based Amazon Web Services advanced consulting partner focusing on modernizing Windows workloads.
Prasad noted that this conference, aimed at 300 people, was designed for business and technical professionals interested in understanding the modernization journey from migration to innovation with AWS. He emphasized that as partners, they would focus on how partners could help customers progress along their modernization journey.
Evaluating the Audience
Prasad began by conducting a vote to understand where the audience was in their modernization journey. Many indicated that they were currently dealing with migration issues, while others were focused on modernization. Prasad explained that this conference would help both groups, covering techniques for migration before and after modernization.
Why is Modernization Needed?
Prasad set the tone for the modernization journey as a process rather than a single step. The first stage involves assessment, discovery, selecting a migration strategy, building a business case, and ensuring readiness. This stage involves collecting information to determine the best path forward.
The second stage focuses on establishing momentum, defining operational models, and creating an excellence center in the cloud. This stage involves organizational preparation to lay the foundation for success.
The final stage occurs after a landing zone has been established, involving mass migration of workloads and ongoing optimization for performance and cost. This stage involves the practical application of goals.
Prasad mentioned that organizations can adopt two basic approaches to modernization. The first is "organic evolution," a gradual approach that focuses on small victories along the modernization journey over the long term. This phased approach begins with simple tasks and builds upon small successes.
1. 向云原生迁移:通过拆分单体应用程序来实现微服务和现代DevOps实践。
2. 向容器迁移:通过将应用程序容器化以提高效率和可移植性。
3. 向托管数据库迁移:从自管理数据库迁移到专为亚马逊DynamoDB等完全托管服务而设计的专用数据库。
4. 向开源软件迁移:通过从专有软件迁移到开源替代品以降低许可成本。
5. 向托管分析迁移:从内部数据仓库迁移到基于云的分析平台。
6. 更新开发方式:采用CI/CD管道和自动化文化。
乔瓦尼深入研究了向云原生和容器化转型的过程。他表示,仅对现有应用程序进行容器化即可实现现代化的可行道路,而无需进行大量重构。新工具已提升了大规模容器化的能力,例如亚马逊云科技的App2Container和CloudEndure Migration。
亚马逊云科技还提供了Microservices Extractor工具,该工具利用AI分析单体.NET应用程序并提出将其拆分为微服务的建议。.NET Porting Assistant可帮助将.NET Framework工作负载迁移至.NET Core,手动迁移速度提高6倍。
Refactor Spaces提供了一种着陆区,用于在单体和微服务间重新分配流量,从而实现十二因子应用程序方法的渐进式现代化模式。可观察性工具如New Relic与之集成,以监控现代化进程。
功能处理订单域中的命令后,Java Spring Boot微服务将被容器化。Alex展示了如何将已容器化的订单管理服务部署到运行EKS蓝图的亚马逊弹性容器服务集群上,并使用Argo CD进行持续交付。Argo CD是在弹性容器服务上配置的蓝图模块。接下来,Refactor Spaces将把API流量从单体应用重新导向新的微服务。这种技术组合展示了如何通过增量现代化方式保持向后兼容性。
2022年7月推出的Aurora Babelfish提供了一个有吸引力的数据库迁移选项,允许企业从微软SQL Server迁移到PostgreSQL。Babelfish提供了一个界面,可以将T-SQL转换为PostgreSQL SQL,从而避免了昂贵的SQL Server许可证费用。Alex分享了一个客户案例,强调了Babelfish在数据库迁移和成本优化方面的价值。这位客户是一家金融服务公司,他们在一个托管设施中运行基于Windows Server 2012虚拟机的Java工作负载。通过利用亚马逊云科技的迁移加速计划与合作伙伴Uberta,他们按原样迁移了这些工作负载到EC2 Windows实例。这使他们立即减少了成本,通过转移到EC2 Linux实例进一步节省成本62%。然后实施了容器化以提高效率并支持自动缩放的工作负载。这使成本优化了75%,消除了闲置的EC2容量。Babelfish是迁移到PostgreSQL以减少许可费用的关键驱动因素,同时避免了重大的应用程序重构。
Demonstrating the use of vFunction to analyze database dependencies and extracting a single domain and its database into a microservice within a monolithic application is an essential step in modernizing data and analysis. Ganesh, who has shifted his focus to this area, points out that despite significant investments, many companies still struggle to extract value from their data. He cites a study showing that 68% of organizations have not realized the full potential of their existing data.
By transitioning to managed and purpose-built Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技) services such as [Amazon EMR](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/emr/?trk=cndc-detail), Amazon Glue, [Amazon Redshift](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/redshift/?trk=cndc-detail), [Amazon Kinesis](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/kinesis/?trk=cndc-detail), Amazon MSK, and Amazon OpenSearch, businesses can unlock innovative insights from their data at scale. The key is to establish a high-performance data platform that can receive data from various sources, transform and store it for analysis, provide actionable insights, and make data available through APIs for users and applications.
However, organizations face challenges in quickly building new data infrastructure and integrating various services and tools into a unified platform. To address this issue, Amazon Web Services launched the open-source project Data on EKS, which aims to help organizations quickly build a data platform based on 亚马逊云科技 EKS. Using infrastructure-as-code templates, it allows customers to run data processing, distributed databases, workflows, and stream processing patterns on EKS. Customers running analysis workloads on EKS see a 65% performance improvement and a 61% cost reduction.
Partners can accelerate their customers' modernization process by building services and integrators that use Data on EKS. A modern data platform begins with EKS Blueprints and expands to support batch, real-time, and machine learning workloads on EKS, EMR, and SageMaker. Partners have a significant opportunity to build solutions and integrators that leverage Amazon Web Services and open source technologies.
Giovanni emphasizes that while modernization requires technological changes, addressing business challenges is equally important. Amazon Web Services Experience-Based Accelerators (EBAs) can help break down stalled projects by evaluating environments, reviewing architectures, and conducting hands-on workshops to build momentum.
总的来说,现代化路径提供了一个技术和商业价值的框架,帮助客户和合作伙伴应对这个过程。合作伙伴可以利用所提供的各种工具,例如EKS蓝图、EKS上的数据、Babelfish和Refactor Spaces,以加速其现代化实践。







## 总结
本次演讲主要探讨了如何通过亚马逊云科技的现代化途径实现从传统系统的迁移和升级。首先,演讲者概述了客户在进行现代化转型过程中可能遇到的挑战以及对结构化方法的需求。演讲者详细介绍了六大现代化途径:云原生迁移、容器化迁移、托管数据库迁移、开源迁移、托管分析迁移以及现代DevOps迁移。同时,他们强调了加速这些途径的实用工具和合作伙伴解决方案,例如容器化平台、数据库迁移服务和开发者平台(如亚马逊云科技Proton)。现场演示还展示了如何使用基于人工智能的工具将单体应用拆分为微服务并部署到现代化的云原生架构中。演讲者强调,应通过分阶段逐步推进的方式来降低风险。此外,他们还讨论了在亚马逊EKS上构建现代数据平台的最佳实践,即使用开源项目Data on EKS。总结起来,关键收获包括结合技术与商业价值、将这些途径纳入现代化发展路线图以及利用亚马逊云科技和合作伙伴解决方案来推动现代化实践。
## 演讲原文
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