## 视频
<video src="https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/30-LibaiGenerate/31-LiBaiRebrandingVideo/INO105-Intersection_of_culture__CX___generative_AI_in_innovative_businesses-LBrebrandingWCaptionCN.mp4" class="bytemdVideo" controls="controls"></video>
## 导读
亚马逊通过文化、机制、原则和技术的结合,致力于成为全球最以客户为中心的公司。在本论坛中,了解亚马逊云科技如何在各个行业(包括旅游、零售和制造业)的组织中加速以客户为中心的过程。了解亚马逊云科技如何使组织能够实时捕捉客户的声音,并使用生成式 AI 和亚马逊云科技扩展客户体验 (CX) 解决方案组合,最大化数据的价值。
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在英国一家名为Amazon Web Services的创新型企业中,Britney Anderson和Ziggy就企业如何利用生成性人工智能(AI)转变客户体验展开了引人入胜的讨论。作为该公司的创新与转型项目成员,他们在re:Invent上发表演讲,分享了如何将技术与企业文化相结合,使企业真正以客户为中心的观点。
In practical terms, Britney provides an example of how generative AI can digest thousands or even 110,000 customer reviews to identify insights. Powered by [Amazon Comprehend](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/comprehend/?trk=cndc-detail), it can analyze emotions and extract key phrases from unstructured text. After posing specific questions, it generates reasonable arguments around product defects and other issues. This analysis is shared across the organization to understand where they excel or need improvement. The AI also improves product descriptions based on survey results to address customer complaints.
Switching to a different scenario, Ziggy depicts a tense situation – a family stuck after a flat tire. They call a digital advisor driven by [Amazon Lex](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/lex/?trk=cndc-detail), a conversational AI that kindly suggests staying calm, checking the manual, and provides recommendations for nearby auto repair shops through access to business inventory data. This personalized service is not pre-trained but rather based on a basic model of reference manuals and local business data. This empathetic and context-related suggestions demonstrate how AI chatbots can provide digital self-service to delight customers.
Britney emphasizes that optimizing employee experiences can also improve customer interactions. Generative AI can take over repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on creativity, problem-solving, and building relationships.
Expanding on the discussion, she talks about transitioning to a "modern data community," achieving decentralized ownership to become insight-driven. No longer is IT in control of the data; cross-functional "producers" plan high-quality data products. A central "technology team" provides a reliable platform and supports this data democratization with Amazon Web Services' analytics and database services. Various business departments' "consumers" can easily interpret data using tools like [Amazon Kendra](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/kendra/?trk=cndc-detail), a natural language AI service, to make data-driven decisions.
Back to customer service, Ziggy gives examples such as using [Amazon Transcribe](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/transcribe/?trk=cndc-detail) to analyze customer service conversations for compassionate responses or providing support for chatbots by digesting knowledge bases. He summarizes how generative AI can build a customer-centric approach but must be consistent with corporate culture, data foundation, and work experience. Start small, solving targeted use cases instead of chasing hype.
In conclusion, Britney and Ziggy encourage attendees to further explore related topics at Amazon Web Services' Amazon Summit. They offer a customer experience maturity assessment and reverse workshop sessions to identify high-impact AI opportunities targeting business priorities.
这是关于亚马逊云科技的创新与转型项目的介绍,由Britney Anderson分享了她的团队如何助力企业实现数字创新和转型的过程。







## 总结
1. 生成性人工智能有助于分析大量非结构化的客户反馈,从而揭示有价值的见解和趋势。这使得企业能够更深入地了解客户并为他们提供个性化的体验。
2. 生成性人工智能支持全新的客户互动方式,如通过使用自然语言提供有益建议的富有同理心的聊天机器人。这提高了自助服务的效率。
3. 要充分发挥生成性人工智能的潜力,企业必须建立现代化的数据共享和文化。这意味着要让不同团队有权产生、管理和消费数据,以提高灵活性。
## 演讲原文
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