DISH 如何通过 Amazon Connect 扩展联系中心和代理的成功

## 视频 <video src="" class="bytemdVideo" controls="controls"></video> ## 导读 加入 DISH 和亚马逊云科技,了解云和 AI 如何提高客户满意度、代理效率和运营绩效。本论坛涵盖 [Amazon Connect]( 和生成式 AI 如何帮助简化客户过程和对话,自动化工作流,以及改进代理对复杂和困难客户查询的处理。从 DISH 了解他们如何通过 [Amazon Connect]( 迁移和扩展,以转变其客户和代理体验。 ## 演讲精华 <font color = "grey">以下是小编为您整理的本次演讲的精华,共1300字,阅读时间大约是6分钟。如果您想进一步了解演讲内容或者观看演讲全文,请观看演讲完整视频或者下面的演讲原文。</font> The video showcases how leading American connectivity company DISH Network successfully expanded its customer service center operations and improved agent success rates by migrating to [Amazon Connect](, an 亚马逊云科技 service. At the beginning of the meeting, Steve Johnson from Amazon Web Services and Dave Downing from DISH Network introduced themselves. Steve set the tone for the meeting by providing an overview of [Amazon Connect]( and its key features, which help customers overcome common challenges in contact centers such as innovation, scalability, migration from on-premises to the cloud, training agents, and improving productivity. He explained that [Amazon Connect]( offers a seamless omnichannel customer experience, managed through an intuitive UI, leveraging AI and machine learning from scratch, providing real-time analytics, and capable of rapidly scaling up or down based on business requirements. Specifically, Steve mentioned that [Amazon Connect]( supports customer service center operations for more than 50 subsidiaries of Amazon, including over 100 contact centers and 100,000 agents serving Amazon Retail services. As an example, Steve highlighted how Amazon Retail used [Amazon Connect]( for its Buy with Prime service, which allows Prime members to enjoy fast shipping and support benefits while shopping at other retail websites. The guided functionality in Connect helped Amazon Retail agents handle different merchant policies when handling customer support for Buy with Prime purchases. [Amazon Connect]( is designed for four main users – customers, agents, supervisors/managers, and IT administrators. The solution aims to satisfy customers, empower agents, enable supervisors to operate effectively, and help IT quickly innovate. Turning to the main part of the meeting, Dave Downing took over to provide background information on DISH Network. He explained that DISH is a connectivity company providing satellite TV, streaming TV, and wireless phone services, both for residential and commercial customers. They are leaders in satellite TV technology and offer various programming packages, including live TV, sports, movies, international channels, and Sling TV streaming services. Most importantly, Dave emphasized that DISH is committed to providing the best possible customer experience. As evidence, they have ranked #1 in the J.D. Power awards for cable/satellite television providers for six consecutive years. 戴夫随后阐述了他们的核心目标,最终导致他们与亚马逊云科技Amazon Web Services合作并采用[Amazon Connect](。他们希望扩充系统以应对各种负载量并提供一致的用户体验,实现跨渠道的个性化互动,加速测试和学习过程的推广速度,以及高效地管理成本。客服中心是他们实现这些目标的关键领域。 具体来说,DISH希望通过人工智能来自动执行诸如呼叫路由等任务,以便代理商可以专注于与客户交流。他们打算使用基于云的解决方案而非本地解决方案来实现可扩展性,提供全面支持,缩短测试上市时间,分析客户反馈,并采用按需付费的定价模式。 为了实现这个愿景,DISH与亚马逊云科技Amazon Web Services合作,并决定将[Amazon Connect](用作其云计算客服中心平台。在这个阶段,来自亚马逊云科技Amazon Web Services的斯科特·史密森Scott Stimson接手讨论了他们在加速时间内将8个组织的15,000名代理迁移至[Amazon Connect](的过程。 斯科特解释道,他们采用了从终点倒推的方法,从最终结果开始,然后反向推进至所需步骤。团队设定了一个宏伟目标,即在短时间内迅速迁移至[Amazon Connect](,以实现DISH的愿景。他们采用了一个“一个团队”的方式,让DISH和亚马逊云科技Amazon Web Services的员工共同参与。 迁移过程从一个内部试点项目开始,使用一小群代理商,特别关注一个专注于劳动力管理的内部使用情况。这个试点项目帮助DISH改善了代理问题的可见性,并通过减少对劳动力团队的呼叫60%(超过了降低25%的目标)实现了自助服务。 他们举办了互动式演示和研讨会,使团队能够适应该平台。一个关键优势是[Amazon Connect](的API驱动集成,可以轻松连接到周围的应用程序。 在设计过程中,他们采用了数据驱动的方法,这得益于[Amazon Connect](的分析和优化能力,以提高代理和客户体验。遵循亚马逊云科技Amazon Web Services的安全、监控和自动化最佳实践,他们在云中构建了一个可扩展且具有成本效益的客服中心。 最终,通过精心的规划和对DISH和亚马逊云科技Amazon Web Services团队之间合作的重视,他们成功地在短短两周内将15,000名代理迁移至[Amazon Connect]( —— 这是一个显著的成就。他们的初步时间表预计需要超过12个月,但由于出色的协作和规划,他们仅用了两周时间就完成了迁移。 Dave Downing subsequently elaborated on the results observed after DISH's migration to [Amazon Connect]( Firstly, they are now handling 25% more calls per hour, with a double concurrent call volume running immediately after implementation. This enables them to cope with increased call volumes while growing their business without major infrastructure investments. Amazon Web Services' regular feature releases with zero downtime allow DISH to choose when to enable and disable them. The platform enables seamless integrations such as call recordings and transcriptions, allowing DISH to focus its time on developing features rather than integration work. The onboarding time for new agents was reduced by nearly a day, reducing the workload of the labor management team by approximately one day. The abandonment rate decreased, resulting in more customers receiving assistance. Reduced phone-based work and flexible routing options offered additional benefits. The DISH business team could make changes faster without IT assistance. Infrastructure expenses like patching and upgrades are now borne by Amazon Web Services. The pay-as-you-go model allows for better cost management compared to the previous named user or concurrent usage license model. Dave concluded that, despite the significant achievements, they felt it was just the beginning of what was possible. Next, he discussed DISH's plans to utilize artificial intelligence features (such as [Amazon Q]( to further improve agent and customer experiences. Returning to Amazon Web Services, Scott Smith shared some best practices and lessons learned from their successful migration. He emphasized three key themes: 1. Technical leadership - It is crucial to have a clear vision and support from the execution layer from the start. A migration to the cloud requires adoption of innovative new technologies like [Amazon Connect]( 2. People and processes - Adopt an iterative approach, starting small and progressively expanding existing functionality and capabilities. Widespread training and careful production planning ensure a smooth transition. 3. Principles - Implement security controls to protect data and ensure the security and availability of the system. Monitor for performance insights. Automate tasks to increase efficiency. Employ a data-driven approach, constantly optimizing based on data rather than assumptions. By following these best practices on leadership, people, processes, and principles, DISH was able to rapidly migrate to the cloud with [Amazon Connect]( at scale and achieve substantial improvements in customer experience. 戴夫·唐宁在最后的讨论中谈到了DISH客服中心的未来发展方向。他们致力于利用AI技术引导客服人员的工作,提供背景信息和个性化建议以改进客户体验。此外,DISH还计划通过跨渠道传递上下文信息以及引入AI技术支持来提升客户满意度。为了进一步提高效率,DISH打算将相关工具整合到[Amazon Connect](客服中心中,并将实际操作数据反馈到系统内。总之,这个视频展示了DISH如何通过与亚马逊云科技的紧密合作,运用领导力、人力资源、流程原则和最佳实践,在提升客户和客服人员体验的同时实现更高效率、可扩展性和成本优化。DISH的成功之路充分展示了亚马逊连接的灵活性和AI功能的强大,如何助力客服中心运营的革新。 **下面是一些演讲现场的精彩瞬间:** 领导者探讨了人工智能如何转变客服中心的运作模式。 ![]( 亚马逊利用其内部数据与AI技术实时生成客户服务代表的回复和解决方案。 ![]( 在客户互动过程中,亚马逊为客户服务代表提供实时代理建议,并在需要时向他们推送有用信息,同时允许他们手动搜索答案。 ![]( 亚马逊云科技的领导者强调了客户对[Amazon Connect](的Contact Lens的积极评价,这有助于节省代理商的时间并提供更好的客户体验。 ![]( 领导者宣布推出了[Amazon Connect](指南,并强调它能帮助代理通过引导流程快速解决客户问题。 ![]( 在公司合并到Connect和Agent Workspace之后,代理的入职时间可以显著缩短。 ![]( 亚马逊云科技提供了各种技术,帮助企业快速进行测试、学习、实施和扩展,以提高客户体验。 ![]( ## 总结 视频探讨了DISH网络公司如何将其客服中心的运营成功迁移至[Amazon Connect](。DISH旨在借助扩大系统规模、加快响应速度及降低管理成本来提升客户体验。该公司发现了运用AI进行自动化任务的可能性,实施了基于云的解决方案以实现可扩展性,并启用了多渠道支持,从而缩短产品上市时间并转为按需付费模式。通过与亚马逊云科技的紧密合作,DISH率先试点了[Amazon Connect](,随后在两周内将其在内部分布给15,000名代理人。这一方案提供了25%的额外呼叫容量,并在迁移后处理了两倍的并发量。如今,代理人可以在不拨打支持电话的情况下自行解决问题,从而减少通话量60%。此外,[Amazon Connect](还提高了上岗速度,减少了弃叫次数,实现了更快速的产品更新,并降低了基础设施成本。未来的计划包括利用AI驱动的推荐和客户需求历史记录来优化代理人和客户的体验,并通过多渠道和预测性支持进一步提高客户满意度。总之,[Amazon Connect](使得DISH能够在优化运营和成本的同时迅速扩张规模。 ## 演讲原文 ## 想了解更多精彩完整内容吗?立即访问re:Invent 官网中文网站! 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