![反欺诈文章封面图.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/aaa0ad7e6b6d4e3a84652edc54c8bc4a_image.png "反欺诈文章封面图.png")
本文是一个基于 NebulaGraph 图算法、图数据库、[机器学习](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/machine-learning/?trk=cndc-detail)、GNN 的 Fraud Detection 方法综述。在阅读本文了解欺诈检测的基本实现方法之余,也给出了 AWS 上生产级别落地参考解决方案。
## 建立反欺诈图谱
一般来说,自然人、公司实体、电话号码、地址、设备(比如终端设备、网络地址、终端设备所连接的 Wi-Fi SSID 等)、订单都是实体。其他信息,比如:风险标注(是否高风险、风险描述等)、自然人和公司实体的信息(职业、收入、学历等)都作为实体的属性来建模。
下图是一个贷款反欺诈的示例建模,你可以访问 [https://github.com/wey-gu/fraud-detection-datagen](https://github.com/wey-gu/fraud-detection-datagen) 获取这份数据生成器代码和示例数据。
![反欺诈模型图.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/a9b617c73d1f4701bb6ed0ecb70a54de_image.png "反欺诈模型图.png")
## 图数据库查询识别风险
事实上,很多被发现且被有效阻止,避免损失的骗保行为都是具有群体聚集性的。比如:欺诈团伙可能是一小批人(比如:3 到 5 人)有组织地收集更大规模的身份证信息(比如:30 张),同时申请多个金融机构的大量贷款。在放款后,团伙丢弃这批留下了违约记录的身份证,再选择下一批身份证如法炮制。
### 基于图谱与专家图模式匹配的欺诈检测示例
在开始之前,我们利用 [Nebula-UP](https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-up) 来一键部署一套 NebulaGraph 图数据库:
curl -fsSL nebula-up.siwei.io/install.sh | bash
首先,我们把前面建模的图谱加载到 NebulaGraph 里:
# 克隆数据集代码仓库
git clone https://github.com/wey-gu/fraud-detection-datagen.git
cp -r data_sample_numerical_vertex_id data
# 去掉表头
sed -i '1d' data/*.csv
docker run --rm -ti \\
--network=nebula-net \\
-v \${PWD}:/root/ \\
-v \${PWD}/data/:/data \\
vesoft/nebula-importer:v3.1.0 \\
--config /root/nebula_graph_importer.yaml
有了这样一个图谱,风控专家可以在可视化探索工具 [NebulaGraph Studio](https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-studio) 中按需探索实体之间的关系,绘制相应的风险模式:
![图探索工具 nebulagraph 的多点展示.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/fcec95ad4df9444ca6897e791a12e222_image.png "图探索工具 nebulagraph 的多点展示.png")
## 针对一笔交易申请关联查询
MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) == "200000010265"
OPTIONAL MATCH p_shared_d=(n)-[:used_device]->(d)<-[:used_device]-(:applicant)-[:with_phone_num]->(pn:phone_num)<-[e:with_phone_num]-(:applicant)
RETURN p_shared_d
我们可以很容易在此模型之上,通过修改返回的关联设备计数,作为意向指标查询的判断 API:
## 群控指标
MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) == "200000010265"
OPTIONAL MATCH p_shared_d=(n)-[:used_device]->(d)<-[:used_device]-(:applicant)-[:with_phone_num]->(pn:phone_num)<-[e:with_phone_num]-(:applicant)
RETURN count(e)
MATCH p_=(p:applicant)-[*1..2]-(p2:applicant) WHERE id(p)=="200000014810" AND p2.applicant.is_risky == "True" RETURN p_ LIMIT 100
可以从这个路径查询看到 `200000014810` 相连接的申请人中有不少是高风险的(也能看出聚集的设备们)。
![图探索工具 nebulagraph studio 探索结果 graph 展示.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/e5e76bcfcb3f4b86b3da7b73251a9abd_image.png "图探索工具 nebulagraph studio 探索结果 graph 展示.png")
MATCH (p:applicant)-[*1..2]-(p2:applicant) WHERE id(p)=="200000014810" AND p2.applicant.is_risky == "True" RETURN count(p2)
## 利用图扩充标注
Xiaojin Z. 和 Zoubin G. 在论文:[Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data with Label Propagation](http://mlg.eng.cam.ac.uk/zoubin/papers/CMU-CALD-02-107.pdf)(CMU-CALD-02-107)中,利用标签传播 Label Propagation 算法把有限的标注信息在图上通过关联关系传播到更多实体中。
> 类似的方法还有 [SinDiffusion](https://github.com/WeilunWang/SinDiffusion),感兴趣的同学可以去了解一下。
### 图算法扩充欺诈风险标注
下面,我给出一个可以跑通的示例。在这个例子中,我用到了经典诈骗识别数据集 [Yelp](https://github.com/wey-gu/nebulagraph-yelp-frauddetection)。这份数据不只会用在这个例子中,后边 GNN 方法中的示例也会用到,所以大家可以放心把数据导入 NebulaGraph。
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/wey-gu/nebulagraph-yelp-frauddetection
cd nebulagraph-yelp-frauddetection
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 data_download.py
# 导入图库
docker run --rm -ti \\
--network=nebula-net \\
-v \${PWD}/yelp_nebulagraph_importer.yaml:/root/importer.yaml \\
-v \${PWD}/data:/root \\
vesoft/nebula-importer:v3.1.0 \\
--config /root/importer.yaml
~/.nebula-up/console.sh -e "USE yelp; SHOW STATS"
(root@nebula) [(none)]> USE yelp; SHOW STATS
| Type | Name | Count |
| "Tag" | "review" | 45954 |
| "Edge" | "shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with" | 1147232 |
| "Edge" | "shares_restaurant_rating_with" | 6805486 |
| "Edge" | "shares_user_with" | 98630 |
| "Space" | "vertices" | 45954 |
| "Space" | "edges" | 8051348 |
Got 6 rows (time spent 1911/4488 us)
目前,市面上的 LPA 标签传播算法都是用来做社区检测的,很少有实现是用来做标签拓展的(只有 [SK-Learn](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/) 中有这个实现)。这里,我们参考 [Thibaud M](https://datascience.stackexchange.com/users/77683/thibaud-m) 给出的实现。
为了让这个算法跑的快一点,我们会从 NebulaGraph 里取一个点的子图。在这个小的子图上做标注的扩充:
我们先启动一个 Jupyter 的 Playground,参考 [https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-dgl](https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-dgl) 中的 Playground 过程:
git clone https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-dgl.git
cd nebula-dgl
# 运行 Jupyter Notebook
docker run -it --name dgl -p 8888:8888 --network nebula-net \\
-v "\$PWD":/home/jovyan/work jupyter/datascience-notebook \\
start-notebook.sh --NotebookApp.token='nebulagraph'
安装依赖,这些依赖在后边的 GNN 例子中也会被用到:
!python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-python.git@8c328c534413b04ccecfd42e64ce6491e09c6ca8
!python3 -m pip install .
现在,我们从图中读取一个子图,从 2048 这个点开始探索两步内的所有边。
import torch
import json
from torch import tensor
from dgl import DGLHeteroGraph, heterograph
from nebula3.gclient.net import ConnectionPool
from nebula3.Config import Config
config = Config()
config.max_connection_pool_size = 2
connection_pool = ConnectionPool()
connection_pool.init([('graphd', 9669)], config)
vertex_id = 2048
client = connection_pool.get_session('root', 'nebula')
r = client.execute_json(
"USE yelp;"
f"GET SUBGRAPH WITH PROP 2 STEPS FROM {vertex_id} YIELD VERTICES AS nodes, EDGES AS relationships;")
r = json.loads(r)
data = r.get('results', [{}])[0].get('data')
columns = r.get('results', [{}])[0].get('columns')
# create node and nodedata
node_id_map = {} # key: vertex id in NebulaGraph, value: node id in dgl_graph
node_idx = 0
features = [[] for _ in range(32)] + [[]]
for i in range(len(data)):
for index, node in enumerate(data[i]['meta'][0]):
nodeid = data[i]['meta'][0][index]['id']
if nodeid not in node_id_map:
node_id_map[nodeid] = node_idx
node_idx += 1
for f in range(32):
rur_start, rur_end, rsr_start, rsr_end, rtr_start, rtr_end = [], [], [], [], [], []
for i in range(len(data)):
for edge in data[i]['meta'][1]:
edge = edge['id']
if edge['name'] == 'shares_user_with':
elif edge['name'] == 'shares_restaurant_rating_with':
elif edge['name'] == 'shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with':
data_dict = {}
if rur_start:
data_dict[('review', 'shares_user_with', 'review')] = tensor(rur_start), tensor(rur_end)
if rsr_start:
data_dict[('review', 'shares_restaurant_rating_with', 'review')] = tensor(rsr_start), tensor(rsr_end)
if rtr_start:
data_dict[('review', 'shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with', 'review')] = tensor(rtr_start), tensor(rtr_end)
# construct a dgl_graph, ref: https://docs.dgl.ai/en/0.9.x/generated/dgl.heterograph.html
dgl_graph: DGLHeteroGraph = heterograph(data_dict)
# load node features to dgl_graph
dgl_graph.ndata['label'] = tensor(features[32])
# heterogeneous graph to heterogeneous graph, keep ndata and edata
import dgl
hg = dgl.to_homogeneous(dgl_graph, ndata=['label'])
from abc import abstractmethod
import torch
class BaseLabelPropagation:
"""Base class for label propagation models.
adj_matrix: torch.FloatTensor
Adjacency matrix of the graph.
def __init__(self, adj_matrix):
self.norm_adj_matrix = self._normalize(adj_matrix)
self.n_nodes = adj_matrix.size(0)
self.one_hot_labels = None
self.n_classes = None
self.labeled_mask = None
self.predictions = None
def _normalize(adj_matrix):
raise NotImplementedError("_normalize must be implemented")
def _propagate(self):
raise NotImplementedError("_propagate must be implemented")
def _one_hot_encode(self, labels):
# Get the number of classes
classes = torch.unique(labels)
classes = classes[classes != -1]
self.n_classes = classes.size(0)
# One-hot encode labeled data instances and zero rows corresponding to unlabeled instances
unlabeled_mask = (labels == -1)
labels = labels.clone() # defensive copying
labels[unlabeled_mask] = 0
self.one_hot_labels = torch.zeros((self.n_nodes, self.n_classes), dtype=torch.float)
self.one_hot_labels = self.one_hot_labels.scatter(1, labels.unsqueeze(1), 1)
self.one_hot_labels[unlabeled_mask, 0] = 0
self.labeled_mask = ~unlabeled_mask
def fit(self, labels, max_iter, tol):
"""Fits a semi-supervised learning label propagation model.
labels: torch.LongTensor
Tensor of size n_nodes indicating the class number of each node.
Unlabeled nodes are denoted with -1.
max_iter: int
Maximum number of iterations allowed.
tol: float
Convergence tolerance: threshold to consider the system at steady state.
self.predictions = self.one_hot_labels.clone()
prev_predictions = torch.zeros((self.n_nodes, self.n_classes), dtype=torch.float)
for i in range(max_iter):
# Stop iterations if the system is considered at a steady state
variation = torch.abs(self.predictions - prev_predictions).sum().item()
if variation < tol:
print(f"The method stopped after {i} iterations, variation={variation:.4f}.")
prev_predictions = self.predictions
def predict(self):
return self.predictions
def predict_classes(self):
return self.predictions.max(dim=1).indices
class LabelPropagation(BaseLabelPropagation):
def __init__(self, adj_matrix):
def _normalize(adj_matrix):
"""Computes D^-1 * W"""
degs = adj_matrix.sum(dim=1)
degs[degs == 0] = 1 # avoid division by 0 error
return adj_matrix / degs[:, None]
def _propagate(self):
self.predictions = torch.matmul(self.norm_adj_matrix, self.predictions)
# Put back already known labels
self.predictions[self.labeled_mask] = self.one_hot_labels[self.labeled_mask]
def fit(self, labels, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3):
super().fit(labels, max_iter, tol)
class LabelSpreading(BaseLabelPropagation):
def __init__(self, adj_matrix):
self.alpha = None
def _normalize(adj_matrix):
"""Computes D^-1/2 * W * D^-1/2"""
degs = adj_matrix.sum(dim=1)
norm = torch.pow(degs, -0.5)
norm[torch.isinf(norm)] = 1
return adj_matrix * norm[:, None] * norm[None, :]
def _propagate(self):
self.predictions = (
self.alpha * torch.matmul(self.norm_adj_matrix, self.predictions)
+ (1 - self.alpha) * self.one_hot_labels
def fit(self, labels, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3, alpha=0.5):
alpha: float
Clamping factor.
self.alpha = alpha
super().fit(labels, max_iter, tol)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nx_hg = hg.to_networkx()
adj_matrix = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx_hg).toarray()
labels = hg.ndata['label']
# Create input tensors
adj_matrix_t = torch.FloatTensor(adj_matrix)
labels_t = torch.LongTensor(labels)
# Learn with Label Propagation
label_propagation = LabelPropagation(adj_matrix_t)
print("Label Propagation: ", end="")
label_propagation_output_labels = label_propagation.predict_classes()
# Learn with Label Spreading
label_spreading = LabelSpreading(adj_matrix_t)
print("Label Spreading: ", end="")
label_spreading.fit(labels_t, alpha=0.8)
label_spreading_output_labels = label_spreading.predict_classes()
color_map = {0: "blue", 1: "green"}
input_labels_colors = [color_map[int(l)] for l in labels]
lprop_labels_colors = [color_map[int(l)] for l in label_propagation_output_labels.numpy()]
lspread_labels_colors = [color_map[int(l)] for l in label_spreading_output_labels.numpy()]
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 4, 1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 4, 2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(1, 4, 3)
ax1.title.set_text("Raw data (2 classes)")
ax2.title.set_text("Label Propagation")
ax3.title.set_text("Label Spreading")
pos = nx.spring_layout(nx_hg)
nx.draw(nx_hg, ax=ax1, pos=pos, node_color=input_labels_colors, node_size=50)
nx.draw(nx_hg, ax=ax2, pos=pos, node_color=lprop_labels_colors, node_size=50)
nx.draw(nx_hg, ax=ax3, pos=pos, node_color=lspread_labels_colors, node_size=50)
# Legend
ax4 = plt.subplot(1, 4, 4)
legend_colors = ["orange", "blue", "green", "red", "cyan"]
legend_labels = ["unlabeled", "class 0", "class 1", "class 2", "class 3"]
dummy_legend = [ax4.plot([], [], ls='-', c=c)[0] for c in legend_colors]
plt.legend(dummy_legend, legend_labels)
![图算法结果.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/faa9df3cf7d6441a9c1d25a392e735a0_image.png "图算法结果.png")
## 带有图特征的机器学习
读到的这里,你是否想到在这些方法的基础之上,把基于图结构的属性也考虑进来,以此作为特征去训练的模型可能更有效呢?答案是肯定的,已经有很多论文和工程实践证明这样的模型比未考虑图特征的算法更加有效。这些被尝试有效的图结构特征可能是实体的 PageRank 值、Degree 值或者是某一个社区发现算法得出的社区 id。
### 带有图特征的机器学习欺诈检测
这里,[机器学习](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/machine-learning/?trk=cndc-detail)的方法我就不演示了,就是常见的分类方法。在此之上,我们可以在数据中通过图算法获得一些新的属性,这些属性再处理一下作为新的特征。我这里只演示一个社区发现的方法,我们可以对全图跑一个 Louvain 算法,得出不同节点的社区归属,再把社区的值当做一个分类处理成为数值的特征。
这个例子里我们还用到了数据 [https://github.com/wey-gu/fraud-detection-datagen](https://github.com/wey-gu/fraud-detection-datagen),以及图计算项目 [nebula-algorithm](https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-algorithm/) 来实现图算法。
首先,我们部署下 Spark 和 NebulaGraph Algorithm。还是用我们熟悉的一键到位工具 Nebula-UP 搞定部署:
curl -fsSL nebula-up.siwei.io/all-in-one.sh | bash -s -- v3 spark
集群起来之后,因为所需配置文件我已经放在了 Nebula-UP 内部,我们只需要一行就可以运行算法啦!
cd ~/.nebula-up/nebula-up/spark && ls -l
docker exec -it sparkmaster /spark/bin/spark-submit \\
--master "local" --conf spark.rpc.askTimeout=6000s \\
--class com.vesoft.nebula.algorithm.Main \\
--driver-memory 4g /root/download/nebula-algo.jar \\
-p /root/louvain.conf
而最终的结果就在 `sparkmaster` 容器内的 `/output` 里:
# docker exec -it sparkmaster bash
ls -l /output
之后,我们可以对这个 Louvain 的图特征做一些处理,并开始传统的模型训练了。
## 图神经网络的方法
由于这些图特征的方法未能充分考虑关联关系,特征工程处理起来异常繁琐、代价昂贵。在这个章节我们就要引入本文的大杀器——DGL,Deep Graph library,[https://www.dgl.ai/](https://www.dgl.ai/)。我也实现了 [Nebula-DGL](https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-dgl) 作为 NebulaGraph 图数据库和 DGL 之间的桥梁。
近几年技术的发展,某些基于 GNN 的方法支持了图结构与属性信息的嵌入表示,使得我们能在不进行图特征抽取、特征工程、专家与工程方法的数据标注的情况下,得到相比于基于传统图特征的[机器学习](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/machine-learning/?trk=cndc-detail)更好的效果。有意思的是,这些方法发明、快速迭代演进的时期,基于图的深度学习是最热门的[机器学习](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/machine-learning/?trk=cndc-detail)研究方向之一。
同时,图深度学习的一些方法可以做到 Inductive Learning——模型可以在新的点、边上进行推理。这样,配合图数据库线上的子图查询能力,在线实时的风险预测也变得很简单、可行了。
### 基于图表示的图神经网络欺诈检测系统
利用 GNN 的方法中,图数据库并不是必须的,数据的存储可以在其他几种常见的介质之中,但是图库能够最大化助力模型训练、模型更新、线上结果的更新。当我们把图数据库作为数据的单一数据来源(single source of truth)时,所有在线、离线、图谱的方法可以很容易被集成起来,从而组合所有方法的优势与结果,做出更有效的欺诈检测复合系统。
#### 数据集
本例中,我们使用的数据集是 Yelp-Fraud,来自于论文 [Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters](https://paperswithcode.com/paper/enhancing-graph-neural-network-based-fraud)。
* 顶点:来自 Yelp 中的餐厅、酒店的评价,有两类属性:
* 每一个评价中有被标注了的是否是虚假、欺诈评价的标签
* 32 个已经被处理过的数值型属性
* 边:三类评价之间的关联关系
* R-U-R:两个评价由同一个用户发出 shares_user_with
* R-S-R:两个评价是同餐厅同评分(评分可以是 1 到 5) shares_restaurant_rating_with
* R-T-R:两个评价是同餐厅同提交月份 shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with
在开始之前,我们假设这个图已经在我们的 NebulaGraph 里边了。
# 部署 NebulaGraph
curl -fsSL nebula-up.siwei.io/install.sh | bash
# 拉取这个数据的 Repo
git clone https://github.com/wey-gu/nebulagraph-yelp-frauddetection && cd nebulagraph-yelp-frauddetection
# 安装依赖,执行数据下载生成
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 data_download.py
# 导入到 NebulaGraph
docker run --rm -ti \\
--network=nebula-net \\
-v \${PWD}/yelp_nebulagraph_importer.yaml:/root/importer.yaml \\
-v \${PWD}/data:/root \\
vesoft/nebula-importer:v3.1.0 \\
--config /root/importer.yaml
#### 数据处理
这部分的任务是将图谱中风险相关的子图的拓扑结构表示、有关的特征(属性)进行工程处理,序列化成为 DGL 的图对象。
DGL 本身支持从点、边列表 edgelist 生成 CSV 文件,或者从 NetworkX 和 SciPy 的序列化稀疏邻接矩阵(adjacency matrix)的数据来构造图对象。我们可以把原始的图数据、图库中的数据全量导出为这些形式。但图库中的数据大多数是实时变化的,要能够直接在 NebulaGraph 子图上做 GNN 训练一般来说是更理想。得益于 Nebula-DGL 这个库,做这件事儿是很自然的。
现在,我们开始这个数据的导入。在这之前,我先介绍一下 Nebula-DGL。
Nebula-DGL 可以根据给定的映射和转换规则(YAML 格式),将 NebulaGraph 中的顶点、边,和它们的属性按照规则处理成为点、边和其中的标注 Label 与特征 Feature,从而构造为 DGL 的图对象。值得一提的是属性到特征的转换。我们知道,特征可能是某一个属性值、一个或多个属性值经过一定的数学变换,亦或是字符型的属性按照枚举规则输出为数字。
相应的,Nebula-DGL 在规则中,针对这几种情况利用 `filter` 进行表达:
* 特征直接选取属性的值:
这个例子里,NebulaGraph 图中 `follow` 这个边将被抽取,边上的属性 `degree` 的值将直接被作为名为 `degree` 的特征。
- name: follow
start_vertex_tag: player
end_vertex_tag: player
- name: degree
- name: degree
type: int
nullable: False
type: value
* 特征从属性中经过数学变换
这个例子中,我们把 `serve` 边之中的两个属性进行 `(end_year - start_year) / 30` 的处理,变为 `service_time` 这样的一个特征。
- name: serve
start_vertex_tag: player
end_vertex_tag: team
- name: service_time
- name: start_year
type: int
nullable: False
- name: end_year
type: int
nullable: False
# The variable was mapped by order of properties
type: function
function: "lambda start_year, end_year: (end_year - start_year) / 30"
* 枚举属性值为数字特征
这个例子中,我们把 `team` 顶点中的 `name` 属性进行枚举,根据:
- name: team
- name: coast
- name: name
type: str
nullable: False
# 0 stand for the east coast, 1 stand for the west coast
type: enumeration
Celtics: 0
Nets: 0
Nuggets: 1
Timberwolves: 1
Thunder: 1
# ... not showing all teams here
可以看到这个转换规则非常简单直接,大家也可以参考 Nebula-DGL 的完整例子了解全部细节 [https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-dgl/tree/main/example](https://github.com/wey-gu/nebula-dgl/tree/main/example)。有了上面数据处理规则的了解后,我们可以开始处理这个 Yelp 图数据了。
先定义如下规则,这里,我们把顶点 `review` 和三种边都对应过来了。同时,`review` 上的属性也按照原本的值对应了过来:
`nebulagraph_yelp_dgl_mapper.yaml` 配置如下:
# If vertex id is string-typed, remap_vertex_id must be true.
remap_vertex_id: True
space: yelp
# str or int
vertex_id_type: int
- name: review
name: is_fraud
- name: is_fraud
type: int
nullable: False
type: value
- name: f0
- name: f0
type: float
nullable: False
type: value
- name: f1
- name: f1
type: float
nullable: False
type: value
# ...
- name: f31
- name: f31
type: float
nullable: False
type: value
- name: shares_user_with
start_vertex_tag: review
end_vertex_tag: review
- name: shares_restaurant_rating_with
start_vertex_tag: review
end_vertex_tag: review
- name: shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with
start_vertex_tag: review
end_vertex_tag: review
安装好 Nebula-DGL 之后,只需要这几行代码就可以将 NebulaGraph 中的这张图构造为 DGL 的 `DGLHeteroGraph` 图对象:
from nebula_dgl import NebulaLoader
nebula_config = {
"graph_hosts": [
('graphd', 9669),
('graphd1', 9669),
('graphd2', 9669)
"nebula_user": "root",
"nebula_password": "nebula",
# load feature_mapper from yaml file
with open('nebulagraph_yelp_dgl_mapper.yaml', 'r') as f:
feature_mapper = yaml.safe_load(f)
nebula_loader = NebulaLoader(nebula_config, feature_mapper)
g = nebula_loader.load()
g = g.to('cpu')
device = torch.device('cpu')
#### 模型训练
这里,我用 GraphSAGE 算法的点分类 Node Classification 方法来举例。GraphSAGE 的原始版本是一个归纳学习 Inductive Learning 的算法。归纳学习区别于它的反面 Transductive Learning,可以把新的数据用在完全旧的图之上习得的模型,这样训练出来的模型可以进行线上增量数据的欺诈检测,而不是需要重新加载为全图训练。
![图模型.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/c309382e031b40cbaddbdfb2439eb081_image.png "图模型.png")
* 输入:带有欺诈标注的历史交易图谱
* 输出:一个 GraphSAGE 的 DGL 模型
模型:基于带有欺诈标注的历史交易图谱基于 GraphSAGE 训练
* 输入:一笔新的交易
* 输出:这笔交易是否涉嫌欺诈
##### 分割数据集
`train_test_split` 中的 `stratify=g.ndata['is_fraud']` 代表保持 `is_fraud` 的值的分布去分割,符合我们前面提到的思想。
我们分割的是 `idx` 索引,这样,可以最终获得三个集合的索引,供训练、验证和测试时候使用。同时,我们还把对应集合 mask 放到图对象 `g` 里边去了。
# Split the graph into train, validation, and test sets
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# features are g.ndata['f0'], g.ndata['f1'], g.ndata['f2'], ... g.ndata['f31']
# label is in g.ndata['is_fraud']
# concatenate all features
features = []
for i in range(32):
features.append(g.ndata['f' + str(i)])
g.ndata['feat'] = torch.stack(features, dim=1)
g.ndata['label'] = g.ndata['is_fraud']
# numpy array as an index of range n
idx = torch.tensor(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
# split based on value distribution of label: the property "is_fraud", which is a binary variable.
X_train_and_val_idx, X_test_idx, y_train_and_val, y_test = train_test_split(
idx, g.ndata['is_fraud'], test_size=0.2, random_state=42, stratify=g.ndata['is_fraud'])
# split train and val
X_train_idx, X_val_idx, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(
X_train_and_val_idx, y_train_and_val, test_size=0.2, random_state=42, stratify=y_train_and_val)
# list of index to mask
train_mask = torch.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), dtype=torch.bool)
train_mask[X_train_idx] = True
val_mask = torch.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), dtype=torch.bool)
val_mask[X_val_idx] = True
test_mask = torch.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), dtype=torch.bool)
test_mask[X_test_idx] = True
g.ndata['train_mask'] = train_mask
g.ndata['val_mask'] = val_mask
g.ndata['test_mask'] = test_mask
#### 异构图转换为同构图
GraphSAGE 是针对同构图且边无 feature 的算法,而我们当下的 Yelp 图谱是异构的:一类点、三类边。那么,如何才能用 GraphSAGE 去建模 Yelp 图谱呢?
我们除了选择用针对异构图的 Inductive Learning 方法之外,还可想办法把同构图转换成异构图。为了在转换中不丢失重要的边类型信息,我们可以把边类型变成数值。
这里我给了一维的 edge feature,当然二维(3-1 维)表示也是可以的。
# shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with: 1, b"001"
# shares_restaurant_rating_with: 2, b"010"
# shares_user_with: 4, b"100"
其实如果想用 `0, 1, 2` 这样的分布,转换到同构图之后的 `hg.edata['_TYPE']` 也是可以直接拿来用的,详见 [https://docs.dgl.ai/en/0.9.x/generated/dgl.to_homogeneous.html](https://docs.dgl.ai/en/0.9.x/generated/dgl.to_homogeneous.html) 中的例子。
# three types of edges
In [1]: g.etypes
In [2]:
g.edges['shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with'].data['he'] = torch.ones(
g.number_of_edges('shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with'), dtype=torch.int64)
g.edges['shares_restaurant_rating_with'].data['he'] = torch.full(
(g.number_of_edges('shares_restaurant_rating_with'),), 2, dtype=torch.int64)
g.edges['shares_user_with'].data['he'] = torch.full(
(g.number_of_edges('shares_user_with'),), 4, dtype=torch.int64)
In [3]: g.edata['he']
'review'): tensor([1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1]),
'review'): tensor([2, 2, 2, ..., 2, 2, 2]),
('review', 'shares_user_with', 'review'): tensor([4, 4, 4, ..., 4, 4, 4])}
将它转换为同构图,把 `he` 作为要保留的 edata:
hg = dgl.to_homogeneous(g, edata=['he'], ndata=['feat', 'label', 'train_mask', 'val_mask', 'test_mask'])
默认的 GraphSAGE 实现是没考虑 edge feature 的,我们要修改消息传递的步骤,在后边会涉及到这部分的实操。
#### 模型训练代码
DGL 官方在 [https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/tree/master/examples/pytorch/graphsage](https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/tree/master/examples/pytorch/graphsage) 给出了 GraphSAGE 例子,我在测试时修复了一个小 bug。
因为我们处理过的同构图带有 edge feature,不能照搬官方的 GraphSAGE 例子代码,我们有两种方法来处理它:
1. 可以稍微改动一下 `SAGEConv` 消息传递的部分,以 mean 聚合的方式为例:
graph.update_all(msg_fn, fn.mean('m', 'neigh'))
+ graph.update_all(fn.copy_e('he', 'm'), fn.mean('m', 'neigh'))
- h_neigh = graph.dstdata['neigh']
+ h_neigh = torch.cat((graph.dstdata['neigh'], graph.dstdata['neigh_e'].reshape(-1, 1)), 1)
这个处理中,除了上边消息传递部分增加 edge feature 之外,还需要注意 feature 维度的处理。
2. 把边参数作为边权重,以 mean 聚合为例:
- graph.update_all(msg_fn, fn.mean('m', 'neigh'))
+ # consdier datatype with different weight, g.edata['he'] as weight here
+ g.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('h', 'he', 'm'), fn.mean('m', 'h'))
下面,我们以把边的类型作为权重的方式,mean 作为聚合的情况为例来实操:
我们来继承并覆盖 `SAGEConv`,其实只是修改 Message Passing 的部分:
from dgl import function as fn
from dgl.utils import check_eq_shape, expand_as_pair
class SAGEConv(dglnn.SAGEConv):
def forward(self, graph, feat, edge_weight=None):
Compute GraphSAGE layer.
graph : DGLGraph
The graph.
feat : torch.Tensor or pair of torch.Tensor
If a torch.Tensor is given, it represents the input feature of shape
:math:`(N, D_{in})`
where :math:`D_{in}` is size of input feature, :math:`N` is the number of nodes.
If a pair of torch.Tensor is given, the pair must contain two tensors of shape
:math:`(N_{in}, D_{in_{src}})` and :math:`(N_{out}, D_{in_{dst}})`.
edge_weight : torch.Tensor, optional
Optional tensor on the edge. If given, the convolution will weight
with regard to the message.
The output feature of shape :math:`(N_{dst}, D_{out})`
where :math:`N_{dst}` is the number of destination nodes in the input graph,
:math:`D_{out}` is the size of the output feature.
with graph.local_scope():
if isinstance(feat, tuple):
feat_src = self.feat_drop(feat[0])
feat_dst = self.feat_drop(feat[1])
feat_src = feat_dst = self.feat_drop(feat)
if graph.is_block:
feat_dst = feat_src[:graph.number_of_dst_nodes()]
msg_fn = fn.copy_src('h', 'm')
if edge_weight is not None:
assert edge_weight.shape[0] == graph.number_of_edges()
graph.edata['_edge_weight'] = edge_weight
msg_fn = fn.u_mul_e('h', '_edge_weight', 'm')
h_self = feat_dst
# Handle the case of graphs without edges
if graph.number_of_edges() == 0:
graph.dstdata['neigh'] = torch.zeros(
feat_dst.shape[0], self._in_src_feats).to(feat_dst)
# Determine whether to apply linear transformation before message passing A(XW)
lin_before_mp = self._in_src_feats > self._out_feats
# Message Passing
if self._aggre_type == 'mean':
graph.srcdata['h'] = self.fc_neigh(feat_src) if lin_before_mp else feat_src
# graph.update_all(msg_fn, fn.mean('m', 'neigh'))
# consdier datatype with different weight, g.edata['he'] as weight here
g.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('h', 'he', 'm'), fn.mean('m', 'h'))
h_neigh = graph.dstdata['neigh']
if not lin_before_mp:
h_neigh = self.fc_neigh(h_neigh)
elif self._aggre_type == 'gcn':
graph.srcdata['h'] = self.fc_neigh(feat_src) if lin_before_mp else feat_src
if isinstance(feat, tuple): # heterogeneous
graph.dstdata['h'] = self.fc_neigh(feat_dst) if lin_before_mp else feat_dst
if graph.is_block:
graph.dstdata['h'] = graph.srcdata['h'][:graph.num_dst_nodes()]
graph.dstdata['h'] = graph.srcdata['h']
graph.update_all(msg_fn, fn.sum('m', 'neigh'))
graph.update_all(fn.copy_e('he', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'neigh'))
# divide in_degrees
degs = graph.in_degrees().to(feat_dst)
h_neigh = (graph.dstdata['neigh'] + graph.dstdata['h']) / (degs.unsqueeze(-1) + 1)
if not lin_before_mp:
h_neigh = self.fc_neigh(h_neigh)
elif self._aggre_type == 'pool':
graph.srcdata['h'] = F.relu(self.fc_pool(feat_src))
graph.update_all(msg_fn, fn.max('m', 'neigh'))
graph.update_all(fn.copy_e('he', 'm'), fn.max('m', 'neigh'))
h_neigh = self.fc_neigh(graph.dstdata['neigh'])
elif self._aggre_type == 'lstm':
graph.srcdata['h'] = feat_src
graph.update_all(msg_fn, self._lstm_reducer)
h_neigh = self.fc_neigh(graph.dstdata['neigh'])
raise KeyError('Aggregator type {} not recognized.'.format(self._aggre_type))
# GraphSAGE GCN does not require fc_self.
if self._aggre_type == 'gcn':
rst = h_neigh
rst = self.fc_self(h_self) + h_neigh
# bias term
if self.bias is not None:
rst = rst + self.bias
# activation
if self.activation is not None:
rst = self.activation(rst)
# normalization
if self.norm is not None:
rst = self.norm(rst)
return rst
class SAGE(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_size, hid_size, out_size):
self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
# three-layer GraphSAGE-mean
self.layers.append(dglnn.SAGEConv(in_size, hid_size, 'mean'))
self.layers.append(dglnn.SAGEConv(hid_size, hid_size, 'mean'))
self.layers.append(dglnn.SAGEConv(hid_size, out_size, 'mean'))
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
self.hid_size = hid_size
self.out_size = out_size
def forward(self, blocks, x):
h = x
for l, (layer, block) in enumerate(zip(self.layers, blocks)):
h = layer(block, h)
if l != len(self.layers) - 1:
h = F.relu(h)
h = self.dropout(h)
return h
def inference(self, g, device, batch_size):
"""Conduct layer-wise inference to get all the node embeddings."""
feat = g.ndata['feat']
sampler = MultiLayerFullNeighborSampler(1, prefetch_node_feats=['feat'])
dataloader = DataLoader(
g, torch.arange(g.num_nodes()).to(g.device), sampler, device=device,
batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False,
buffer_device = torch.device('cpu')
pin_memory = (buffer_device != device)
for l, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
y = torch.empty(
g.num_nodes(), self.hid_size if l != len(self.layers) - 1 else self.out_size,
device=buffer_device, pin_memory=pin_memory)
feat = feat.to(device)
for input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks in tqdm.tqdm(dataloader):
x = feat[input_nodes]
h = layer(blocks[0], x) # len(blocks) = 1
if l != len(self.layers) - 1:
h = F.relu(h)
h = self.dropout(h)
# by design, our output nodes are contiguous
y[output_nodes[0]:output_nodes[-1]+1] = h.to(buffer_device)
feat = y
return y
def evaluate(model, graph, dataloader):
ys = []
y_hats = []
for it, (input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks) in enumerate(dataloader):
with torch.no_grad():
x = blocks[0].srcdata['feat']
y_hats.append(model(blocks, x))
return MF.accuracy(torch.cat(y_hats), torch.cat(ys))
def layerwise_infer(device, graph, nid, model, batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model.inference(graph, device, batch_size) # pred in buffer_device
pred = pred[nid]
label = graph.ndata['label'][nid].to(pred.device)
return MF.accuracy(pred, label)
def train(device, g, model, train_idx, val_idx):
# create sampler & dataloader
sampler = NeighborSampler([10, 10, 10], # fanout for [layer-0, layer-1, layer-2]
use_uva = False
train_dataloader = DataLoader(g, train_idx, sampler, device=device,
batch_size=1024, shuffle=True,
drop_last=False, num_workers=0,
val_dataloader = DataLoader(g, val_idx, sampler, device=device,
batch_size=1024, shuffle=True,
drop_last=False, num_workers=0,
opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, weight_decay=5e-4)
for epoch in range(10):
total_loss = 0
for it, (input_nodes, output_nodes, blocks) in enumerate(train_dataloader):
x = blocks[0].srcdata['feat']
y = blocks[-1].dstdata['label']
y_hat = model(blocks, x)
loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y)
total_loss += loss.item()
acc = evaluate(model, g, val_dataloader)
print("Epoch {:05d} | Loss {:.4f} | Accuracy {:.4f} "
.format(epoch, total_loss / (it+1), acc.item()))
从 NebulaGraph 中加载图到 DGL,得到的是一个异构图(一类点、三类边):
from nebula_dgl import NebulaLoader
nebula_config = {
"graph_hosts": [
('graphd', 9669),
('graphd1', 9669),
('graphd2', 9669)
"nebula_user": "root",
"nebula_password": "nebula",
with open('nebulagraph_yelp_dgl_mapper.yaml', 'r') as f:
feature_mapper = yaml.safe_load(f)
nebula_loader = NebulaLoader(nebula_config, feature_mapper)
g = nebula_loader.load() # This will take you some time
# 作为穷人,我们用 CPU
g = g.to('cpu')
device = torch.device('cpu')
# Split the graph into train, validation and test sets
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# features are g.ndata['f0'], g.ndata['f1'], g.ndata['f2'], ... g.ndata['f31']
# label is in g.ndata['is_fraud']
# concatenate all features
features = []
for i in range(32):
g.ndata['feat'] = torch.stack(features, dim=1)
g.ndata['label'] = g.ndata['is_fraud']
# numpy array as index of range n
idx = torch.tensor(np.arange(g.number_of_nodes()), device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
# features.append(idx)
# concatenate one dim with index of node
# feature_and_idx = torch.stack(features, dim=1)
# split based on value distribution of label: the property "is_fraud", which is a binary variable.
X_train_and_val_idx, X_test_idx, y_train_and_val, y_test = train_test_split(
idx, g.ndata['is_fraud'], test_size=0.2, random_state=42, stratify=g.ndata['is_fraud'])
# split train and val
X_train_idx, X_val_idx, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(
X_train_and_val_idx, y_train_and_val, test_size=0.2, random_state=42, stratify=y_train_and_val)
# list of index to mask
train_mask = torch.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), dtype=torch.bool)
train_mask[X_train_idx] = True
val_mask = torch.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), dtype=torch.bool)
val_mask[X_val_idx] = True
test_mask = torch.zeros(g.number_of_nodes(), dtype=torch.bool)
test_mask[X_test_idx] = True
g.ndata['train_mask'] = train_mask
g.ndata['val_mask'] = val_mask
g.ndata['test_mask'] = test_mask
# shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with: 1, b"001"
# shares_restaurant_rating_with: 2, b"010"
# shares_user_with: 4, b"100"
# set edata of shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with to n of 1 tensor array
g.edges['shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with'].data['he'] = torch.ones(
g.number_of_edges('shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with'), dtype=torch.float32)
g.edges['shares_restaurant_rating_with'].data['he'] = torch.full(
(g.number_of_edges('shares_restaurant_rating_with'),), 2, dtype=torch.float32)
g.edges['shares_user_with'].data['he'] = torch.full(
(g.number_of_edges('shares_user_with'),), 4, dtype=torch.float32)
# heterogeneous graph to heterogeneous graph, keep ndata and edata
hg = dgl.to_homogeneous(g, edata=['he'], ndata=['feat', 'label', 'train_mask', 'val_mask', 'test_mask'])
# create GraphSAGE model
in_size = hg.ndata['feat'].shape[1]
out_size = 2
model = SAGE(in_size, 256, out_size).to(device)
# model training
train(device, hg, model, X_train_idx, X_val_idx)
# test the model
acc = layerwise_infer(device, hg, X_test_idx, model, batch_size=4096)
print("Test Accuracy {:.4f}".format(acc.item()))
# 运行结果
# Test Accuracy 0.9996
有了模型之后,我们可以把它序列化成文件,在需要的时候,只需要把模型的形式和这个序列化文件再加载成一个 pyTorch 就可以用它进行推理了。
# save model
torch.save(model.state_dict(), "fraud_d.model")
# load model
device = torch.device('cpu')
model = SAGE(32, 256, 2).to(device)
#### 推理接口
前边提到过,GraphSAGE 是最简单的支持 Inductive Learning 的模型。但上面我们的训练推理用的图和测试是同一张,而 Inductive Learning 最佳态是推理所用数据为全新点、边。为了做到 Inductive Learning,我们只需要把训练和测试分成两个无交集的子图来做训练和最终测试:
# Inductive Learning, our test dataset are new nodes and new edges
hg_train = hg.subgraph(torch.cat([X_train_idx, X_val_idx]))
# model training
train(device, hg_train, model, torch.arange(X_train_idx.shape[0]), torch.arange(X_train_idx.shape[0], hg_train.num_nodes()))
# test the model
hg_test = hg.subgraph(torch.cat([X_test_idx]))
sg_X_test_idx = torch.arange(hg_test.num_nodes())
acc = layerwise_infer(device, hg_test, sg_X_test_idx, model, batch_size=4096)
print("Test Accuracy {:.4f}".format(acc.item()))
# 运行结果
# Test Accuracy 0.9990
可以看到,我们上面的代码里,测试所用到的图和训练的图是完全不同的两组数据,这使得我们的线上系统可以遇到之前完全没有碰到过的数据。只要把新的交易请求数据写进 NebulaGraph,再从这个点获取一个线上系统可以返回的小子图,就可以把它作为模型推理的输入,获得子图的标签了!
##### 新的交易请求
┌─────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐
│ │ │ │
─────▶│ Transaction Record ├──────2. Fraud Risk ─────▶│ Inference API │◀────┐
│ │◀────Prediction with ─────┤ │ │
│ │ Sub Graph │ │ │
└─────────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ │
│ ▲ │ │
│ │ │ │
0. Insert 1. Get New 3.req: Node │
Record Record Sub Classification │
│ Graph │ │
▼ │ │ │
┌──────────────────────┴─────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┘ 3.resp: │
│┌──────────────────────────────────────┐│ │ Predicted│
││ Graph of Historical Transactions ││ │ Risk │
│└──────────────────────────────────────┘│ │ │
│ .─. . │ │ │
│ ( )◀───────────( ) │ │ │
│ `─' ' │ │ ┌──────────────────────┐ │
│ . .─. ╲ ◁ │ │ │ GNN Model Λ │ │
│ ( )◀────( ) ╲ ╱ │ │ ┌───┴─┐ ╱ ╲ ┌──┴──┐ │
│ ' `─' ╲ . ╱ │ │ ├─────┤ ╱ ╲ ├─────┤ │
│ ╲ ◀ ╲ ( ) │ └─▶├─────┼─────▶▕ ─────├─────┤──┘
│ ╲ . ╱ ◁ ' │ ├─────┤ ╲ ╱ ├─────┤
│ ◀( )╱ .─. .─. │ └───┬─┘ ╲ ╱ └──┬──┘
│ ' ( )◀──────( )│ │ V │
│ `─' `─' │ └──────────────────────┘
MATCH (n:review) RETURN n LIMIT 1
| n |
| (2048 :review{f0: 0.0, f1: 0.08034700155258179, f10: 0.3952670097351074, f11: 0.18671999871730804, f12: 0.2836120128631592, f13: 0.2843089997768402, f14: 0.38148200511932373, f15: 0.3816460072994232, f16: 0.9999740123748779, f17: 0.6430919766426086, f18: 0.9999740123748779, f19: 0.5051100254058838, f2: 0.12382200360298157, f20: 0.4940490126609802, f21: 0.7766339778900146, f22: 0.7705119848251343, f23: 0.9480599761009216, f24: 0.4032529890537262, f25: 0.12437800318002701, f26: 0.3184080123901367, f27: 0.5223879814147949, f28: 0.4278610050678253, f29: 0.343284010887146, f3: 0.42868199944496155, f30: 0.37313398718833923, f31: 0.328357994556427, f4: 0.9999849796295166, f5: 0.9999849796295166, f6: 0.9999849796295166, f7: 0.4850809872150421, f8: 0.454602986574173, f9: 0.8863419890403748, is_fraud: 0}) |
好,它是 2048 这个点。
它的下一步是 `1. Get New Record Subgraph` 我们来获取它的子图:
可以看到返回的结果其实还是很多的,btw 在 NebulaGraph 中这个子图结果返回获取是在 10 ms 左右。假若,这里我们使用图可视化探索工具 NebulaGraph Studio 或者 Explorer,可以把结果渲染出来(可视化展示的 Query 可以去掉 `WITH PROP` ,可以给浏览器省点内存),结果就更容易让人脑理解了:
![图探索工具 nebulagraph studio 操作界面.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/09c33986daf44ac3a03c0042ee835088_image.png "图探索工具 nebulagraph studio 操作界面.png")
![图探索工具 nebulagraph studio 渲染数据结果.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/bc6469dc60c64dba8603d47685c2e189_image.png "图探索工具 nebulagraph studio 渲染数据结果.png")
现在,我们就来实现这一步的代码吧。它的输入是点的 `id:vertex_id`,输出是一个 `dgl_graph`,用来传给推理接口。
# get SUBGRAPH of one node
import json
from torch import tensor
from dgl import DGLHeteroGraph, heterograph
from nebula3.gclient.net import ConnectionPool
from nebula3.Config import Config
config = Config()
config.max_connection_pool_size = 2
connection_pool = ConnectionPool()
connection_pool.init([('graphd', 9669)], config)
vertex_id = 2048
client = connection_pool.get_session('root', 'nebula')
r = client.execute_json(
"USE yelp;"
f"GET SUBGRAPH WITH PROP 2 STEPS FROM {vertex_id} YIELD VERTICES AS nodes, EDGES AS relationships;")
r = json.loads(r)
data = r.get('results', [{}])[0].get('data')
这里我用到了 [nebula-python](https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-python),这个 NebulaGraph 的 Python SDK/Client。通过 `execute_json` 执行获得了这个交易的子图。
下一步,咱们需要把它构造成一个 dgl_graph:
# create node and nodedata
node_id_map = {} # key: vertex id in NebulaGraph, value: node id in dgl_graph
node_idx = 0
features = [[] for _ in range(32)] + [[]]
for i in range(len(data)):
for index, node in enumerate(data[i]['meta'][0]):
nodeid = data[i]['meta'][0][index]['id']
if nodeid not in node_id_map:
node_id_map[nodeid] = node_idx
node_idx += 1
for f in range(32):
- R-U-R:两个评价由同一个用户发出 shares_user_with
- R-S-R:两个评价是同餐厅同评分(评分可以是1到5) shares_restaurant_rating_with
- R-T-R:两个评价是同餐厅同提交月份 shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with
rur_start, rur_end, rsr_start, rsr_end, rtr_start, rtr_end = [], [], [], [], [], []
for i in range(len(data)):
for edge in data[i]['meta'][1]:
edge = edge['id']
if edge['name'] == 'shares_user_with':
elif edge['name'] == 'shares_restaurant_rating_with':
elif edge['name'] == 'shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with':
data_dict = {}
if rur_start:
data_dict[('review', 'shares_user_with', 'review')] = tensor(rur_start), tensor(rur_end)
if rsr_start:
data_dict[('review', 'shares_restaurant_rating_with', 'review')] = tensor(rsr_start), tensor(rsr_end)
if rtr_start:
data_dict[('review', 'shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with', 'review')] = tensor(rtr_start), tensor(rtr_end)
# construct a dgl_graph
dgl_graph: DGLHeteroGraph = heterograph(data_dict)
实际上我就是按照 DGL 文档 [https://docs.dgl.ai/en/0.9.x/generated/dgl.heterograph.html](https://docs.dgl.ai/en/0.9.x/generated/dgl.heterograph.html) 中的方式去构造 `data_dict`。再用 `heterograph()` 就把结果转换为想要的 dgl_graph 了,其中 `node_id_map` 是 NebulaGraph 之中 Vertex_ID 到这个对象中 node_id 的字典。
最后,我们再把 node feature 也加载进去。
# load node features to dgl_graph
for i in range(32):
dgl_graph.ndata[f"f{i}"] = tensor(features[i])
dgl_graph.ndata['label'] = tensor(features[32])
import torch
# to homogeneous graph
features = []
for i in range(32):
dgl_graph.ndata['feat'] = torch.stack(features, dim=1)
dgl_graph.edges['shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with'].data['he'] = torch.ones(
dgl_graph.number_of_edges('shares_restaurant_in_one_month_with'), dtype=torch.float32)
dgl_graph.edges['shares_restaurant_rating_with'].data['he'] = torch.full(
(dgl_graph.number_of_edges('shares_restaurant_rating_with'),), 2, dtype=torch.float32)
dgl_graph.edges['shares_user_with'].data['he'] = torch.full(
(dgl_graph.number_of_edges('shares_user_with'),), 4, dtype=torch.float32)
# heterogeneous graph to heterogeneous graph, keep ndata and edata
import dgl
hg = dgl.to_homogeneous(dgl_graph, edata=['he'], ndata=['feat', 'label'])
def do_inference(device, graph, node_idx, model, batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model.inference(graph, device, batch_size) # pred in buffer_device
return pred[node_idx]
node_idx = node_id_map[vertex_id]
batch_size = 4096
result = do_inference(device, hg, node_idx, model, batch_size)
def test_inference(device, graph, nid, model, batch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model.inference(graph, device, batch_size) # pred in buffer_device
pred = pred[nid]
label = graph.ndata['label'][nid].to(pred.device)
return MF.accuracy(pred, label)
node_idx = torch.tensor(list(node_id_map.values()))
acc = test_inference(device, hg, node_idx, model, batch_size=4096)
print("Test Accuracy {:.4f}".format(acc.item()))
In [307]: def test_inference(device, graph, nid, model, batch_size):
...: model.eval()
...: with torch.no_grad():
...: pred = model.inference(graph, device, batch_size) # pred in buffer
...: _device
...: pred = pred[nid]
...: label = graph.ndata['label'][nid].to(pred.device)
...: return MF.accuracy(pred, label)
...: node_idx = torch.tensor(list(node_id_map.values()))
...: acc = test_inference(device, hg, node_idx, model, batch_size=4096)
...: print("Test Accuracy {:.4f}".format(acc.item()))
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 130.31it/s]
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 152.29it/s]
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 173.55it/s]
Test Accuracy 0.9688
这个示例项目的代码在:[github.com/wey-gu/NebulaGraph-Fraud-Detection-GNN](github.com/wey-gu/NebulaGraph-Fraud-Detection-GNN) ,如有问题欢迎留言、issue 一起交流。
## AWS 上生产级别落地参考解决方案
前文的实例都是在最小的实验环境中可操作、可复现的方案。本节针对生产落地进行简短的讨论,并给出了 AWS 上的示例参考架构。
> 注:可以从这个链接了解 NebulaGraph on AWS:[https://aws.amazon.com/quickstart/architecture/vesoft-nebula-graph/](https://aws.amazon.com/quickstart/architecture/vesoft-nebula-graph/)
### 基于图谱与专家图模式匹配方法
本方法本质是一个基于 NebulaGraph 的图谱 OLTP 应用,推荐的生产落地方案是基于 NebulaGraph on AWS。
如下图所示,NebulaGraph on AWS 在 AWS 的基础设施之上,由 NebulaGraph 主要支持团队(Vesoft Inc.)提供了开箱即用的生产级别部署架构,与企业级图数据库 NebulaGraph Core Enterprise 及其配套的丰富周边工具。
![aws 上图数据库 nebulagraph 架构.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/271a45e32a0d4e46a2c0be8835e77845_image.png "aws 上图数据库 nebulagraph 架构.png")
### 基于图计算的方法
上面我们举例了基于图算法的扩充欺诈风险标注实践,并用了单机的方案进行 demo。在生产环境落地时,比如 AWS 上,除了 AWS 上的 NebulaGraph 内核集群之外,我们还需要 NebulaGraph Algorithm,后者可以运行在 AWS EMR Spark 之上,从 NebulaGraph 中抽取全图数据,并在 Spark 集群中分布式高效进行图算法。
![aws 上基于图计算的方案.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/bfdf900f521846c583450d2a81a36938_image.png "aws 上基于图计算的方案.png")
### 图神经网络的方法
此外,前边我们利用 NebulaGraph、DGL、Nebula-DGL 的基于 GNN 的实时风控项目在 AWS 生产中可以:
- 训练、预研使用 AWS SageMaker和 SageMaker Notebook
- 线上推理使用 AWS SageMaker Inference。其中,针对金融风控等流量按不同时段呈现较大浮动的情况,可以考虑使用 AWS SageMaker Inference Serverless,借助其 scale to zero 同时和无线扩容的能力,做到极致的算力的按需付费
![aws 上的图神经网络方案.png](https://dev-media.amazoncloud.cn/a07c8c2ff4a54057b649026e6bc44567_image.png "aws 上的图神经网络方案.png")
## 总结
* 在一个交易历史、风控的图谱上,通过图模式查询直接获得风险提示
* 定期利用图算法扩充风险标注,写回图库
* 定期计算图谱中的图特征,和其他特征一起用传统[机器学习](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/machine-learning/?trk=cndc-detail)方法离线预测风险
* 将图谱中的属性处理成为点、边特征,用图神经网络方法离线预测风险,部分可以 Inductive Learning 的方法结合图库可以实现在线风险预测
## 延伸阅读
* DGL 外部数据导入文档:[https://docs.dgl.ai/guide/graph-external.html](https://docs.dgl.ai/guide/graph-external.html)
* 如何将异质图转换为带数据的同质图:[https://discuss.dgl.ai/t/how-to-convert-from-a-heterogeneous-graph-to-a-homogeneous-graph-with-data/2764](https://discuss.dgl.ai/t/how-to-convert-from-a-heterogeneous-graph-to-a-homogeneous-graph-with-data/2764)
* [https://docs.dgl.ai/en/latest/guide/graph-heterogeneous.html?highlight=to_homogeneous#converting-heterogeneous-graphs-to-homogeneous-graphs](https://docs.dgl.ai/en/latest/guide/graph-heterogeneous.html?highlight=to_homogeneous#converting-heterogeneous-graphs-to-homogeneous-graphs)
* DGL FAQ 第 13 个问题:[https://discuss.dgl.ai/t/frequently-asked-questions-faq/1681](https://discuss.dgl.ai/t/frequently-asked-questions-faq/1681)
* [https://discuss.dgl.ai/t/using-node-and-edge-features-in-message-passing/762](https://discuss.dgl.ai/t/using-node-and-edge-features-in-message-passing/762)
**谢谢你读完本文** (///▽///)