Introducing Amazon GameLift Anywhere – Run Your Game Servers on Your Own Infrastructure

Amazon Gamelift
海外精选的内容汇集了全球优质的亚马逊云科技相关技术内容。同时,内容中提到的“AWS” 是 “Amazon Web Services” 的缩写,在此网站不作为商标展示。
{"value":"In 2016, we launched [Amazon GameLift](, a dedicated hosting solution that securely deploys and automatically scales fleets of session-based multiplayer game servers to meet worldwide player demand.\n\nWith [Amazon GameLift](, you can create and upload a game server build once, replicate, and then deploy across [multiple AWS Regions]( and [AWS Local Zones]( to reach your players with low-latency experiences across the world. GameLift also includes standalone features for low-cost game fleets with [GameLift FleetIQ]( and player matchmaking with [GameLift FlexMatch](\n\nGame developers asked us to reduce the wait time to deploy a candidate server build to the cloud each time they needed to test and iterate their game during the development phase. In addition, our customers told us that they often have ongoing bare-metal contracts or on-premises game servers and want the flexibility to use their existing infrastructure with cloud servers.\n\nToday we are announcing the general availability of **[Amazon GameLift Anywhere](**, which decouples game session management from the underlying compute resources. With this new release, you can now register and deploy any hardware, including your own local workstations, under a logical construct called an Anywhere Fleet.\n\n\nBecause your local hardware can now be a GameLift-managed server, you can iterate on the server build in your familiar local desktop environment, and any server error can materialize in seconds. You can also set breakpoints in your environment’s debugger, thereby eliminating trial and error and further speeding up the iteration process.\n\n\n![image.png](\n\nHere are the major benefits for game developers to use GameLift Anywhere.\n\n- **Faster game development** – Instantly test and iterate on your local workstation while still leveraging GameLift FlexMatch and Queue services.\n- **Hybrid server management** – Deploy, operate, and scale dedicated game servers hosted in the cloud or on-premises, all from a single location.\n- **Streamline server operations** – Reduce cost and operational complexity by unifying server infrastructure under a single game server orchestration layer.\n\nDuring the beta period of GameLift Anywhere, lots of customers gave feedback. For example, [Nitro Games]( has been an [Amazon GameLift]( customer since 2020 and have used the service for player matchmaking and managing dedicated game servers in the cloud. Daniel Liljeqvist, Senior DevOps Engineer at Nitro Games said “With GameLift Anywhere we can easily debug a game server on our local machine, saving us time and making the feedback loop much shorter when we are developing new games and features.”\n\nGameLift Anywhere resources such as locations, fleets, and compute are managed through the same highly secure AWS API endpoints as all AWS services. This also applies to generating the authentication tokens for game server processes that are only valid for a limited amount of time for additional security. You can leverage [AWS Identity and Access Management]( ([AWS IAM]( roles and policies to fully manage access to all the GameLift Anywhere endpoints.\n\t\n### ++Getting Started with GameLift Anywhere++\nBefore creating your GameLift fleet in your local hardware, you can create custom locations to run your game builds or scripts. Choose **Locations** in the left navigation pane of the [GameLift console]( and select **Create location**.\n\n![image.png](\n\n\nYou can create a custom location of your hardware that you can use with your GameLift Anywhere fleet to test your games.\n\n![image.png](\n\n\n**Choose **Fleets** from the left navigation pane, then choose Create fleet** to add your GameLift Anywhere fleet in the desired location.\n\n![image.png](\n\nChoose **Anywhere** on the **Choose compute type** step.\n\n![image.png](\n\n\nDefine your fleet details, such as a fleet name and optional items. For more information on settings, see [Create a new GameLift fleet]( in the AWS documentation.\n\n![image.png](\n\n\nOn the **Select locations** step, select the custom location that you created. The home AWS Region is automatically selected as the Region you are creating the fleet in. You can use the home Region to access and use your resources.\n\n\n![image.png](\n\nAfter completing the fleet creation steps to create your Anywhere fleet, you can see active fleets in both the managed EC2 instances and the Anywhere location. You also can integrate remote on-premises hardware by adding more GameLift Anywhere locations, so you can manage your game sessions from one place. To learn more, see [Create a new GameLift fleet]( in the AWS documentation.\n\n![image.png](\n\nYou can register your laptop as a compute resource in the fleet that you created. Use the fleet-id created in the previous step and add a ```compute-name``` and your laptop’s ```ip-address```.\n\n\n```\\n\$ aws gamelift register-compute \\\\\\n --compute-name ChannyDevLaptop \\\\\\n --fleet-id fleet-12345678-abcdefghi \\\\\\n --ip-address\\n```\nNow, you can start a debug session of your game server by retrieving the authorization token for your laptop in the fleet that you created.\n\n```\\n\$ aws gamelift get-compute-auth-token \\\\\\n --fleet-id fleet-12345678-abcdefghi \\\\\\n --compute-name ChannyDevLaptop\\n\\n```\n\nTo run a debug instance of your game server executable, your game server must call ```InitSDK()```. After the process is ready to host a game session, the game server calls ```ProcessReady()```. To learn more, see [Integrating games with custom game servers]( and [Testing your integration]( in the AWS documentation.\n\n### ++Now Available++\n[Amazon GameLift]( Anywhere is available in all Regions where [Amazon GameLift]( is available. GameLift offers a [step-by-step developer guide](, [API reference guide](, and [GameLift SDKs]( You can also see for yourself how easy it is to test [Amazon GameLift]( using [our sample game]( to get started.\n\nGive it a try, and please send feedback to [AWS re:Post for Amazon GameLift]( or through your usual AWS support contacts.\n\n– [Channy](\n\n\n![4cb1206ddc6551fff41080fcf865b37.png](\n\n### **[Channy Yun](**\nChanny Yun is a Principal Developer Advocate for AWS, and passionate about helping developers to build modern applications on latest AWS services. A pragmatic developer and blogger at heart, he loves community-driven learning and sharing of technology, which has funneled developers to global AWS Usergroups. His main topics are open-source, container, storage, network & security, and IoT. Follow him on Twitter at @channyun.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","render":"<p>In 2016, we launched <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Amazon GameLift</a>, a dedicated hosting solution that securely deploys and automatically scales fleets of session-based multiplayer game servers to meet worldwide player demand.</p>\\n<p>With <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Amazon GameLift</a>, you can create and upload a game server build once, replicate, and then deploy across <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">multiple AWS Regions</a> and <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">AWS Local Zones</a> to reach your players with low-latency experiences across the world. GameLift also includes standalone features for low-cost game fleets with <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">GameLift FleetIQ</a> and player matchmaking with <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">GameLift FlexMatch</a>.</p>\\n<p>Game developers asked us to reduce the wait time to deploy a candidate server build to the cloud each time they needed to test and iterate their game during the development phase. In addition, our customers told us that they often have ongoing bare-metal contracts or on-premises game servers and want the flexibility to use their existing infrastructure with cloud servers.</p>\n<p>Today we are announcing the general availability of <strong><a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Amazon GameLift Anywhere</a></strong>, which decouples game session management from the underlying compute resources. With this new release, you can now register and deploy any hardware, including your own local workstations, under a logical construct called an Anywhere Fleet.</p>\n<p>Because your local hardware can now be a GameLift-managed server, you can iterate on the server build in your familiar local desktop environment, and any server error can materialize in seconds. You can also set breakpoints in your environment’s debugger, thereby eliminating trial and error and further speeding up the iteration process.</p>\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>Here are the major benefits for game developers to use GameLift Anywhere.</p>\n<ul>\\n<li><strong>Faster game development</strong> – Instantly test and iterate on your local workstation while still leveraging GameLift FlexMatch and Queue services.</li>\\n<li><strong>Hybrid server management</strong> – Deploy, operate, and scale dedicated game servers hosted in the cloud or on-premises, all from a single location.</li>\\n<li><strong>Streamline server operations</strong> – Reduce cost and operational complexity by unifying server infrastructure under a single game server orchestration layer.</li>\\n</ul>\n<p>During the beta period of GameLift Anywhere, lots of customers gave feedback. For example, <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Nitro Games</a> has been an [Amazon GameLift]( customer since 2020 and have used the service for player matchmaking and managing dedicated game servers in the cloud. Daniel Liljeqvist, Senior DevOps Engineer at Nitro Games said “With GameLift Anywhere we can easily debug a game server on our local machine, saving us time and making the feedback loop much shorter when we are developing new games and features.”</p>\\n<p>GameLift Anywhere resources such as locations, fleets, and compute are managed through the same highly secure AWS API endpoints as all AWS services. This also applies to generating the authentication tokens for game server processes that are only valid for a limited amount of time for additional security. You can leverage <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">AWS Identity and Access Management</a> ([AWS IAM]( roles and policies to fully manage access to all the GameLift Anywhere endpoints.</p>\\n<h3><a id=\\"Getting_Started_with_GameLift_Anywhere_24\\"></a><ins>Getting Started with GameLift Anywhere</ins></h3>\\n<p>Before creating your GameLift fleet in your local hardware, you can create custom locations to run your game builds or scripts. Choose <strong>Locations</strong> in the left navigation pane of the <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">GameLift console</a> and select <strong>Create location</strong>.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>You can create a custom location of your hardware that you can use with your GameLift Anywhere fleet to test your games.</p>\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p><strong>Choose <strong>Fleets</strong> from the left navigation pane, then choose Create fleet</strong> to add your GameLift Anywhere fleet in the desired location.</p>\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>Choose <strong>Anywhere</strong> on the <strong>Choose compute type</strong> step.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>Define your fleet details, such as a fleet name and optional items. For more information on settings, see <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Create a new GameLift fleet</a> in the AWS documentation.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>On the <strong>Select locations</strong> step, select the custom location that you created. The home AWS Region is automatically selected as the Region you are creating the fleet in. You can use the home Region to access and use your resources.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>After completing the fleet creation steps to create your Anywhere fleet, you can see active fleets in both the managed EC2 instances and the Anywhere location. You also can integrate remote on-premises hardware by adding more GameLift Anywhere locations, so you can manage your game sessions from one place. To learn more, see <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Create a new GameLift fleet</a> in the AWS documentation.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>You can register your laptop as a compute resource in the fleet that you created. Use the fleet-id created in the previous step and add a <code>compute-name</code> and your laptop’s <code>ip-address</code>.</p>\\n<pre><code class=\\"lang-\\">\$ aws gamelift register-compute \\\\\\n --compute-name ChannyDevLaptop \\\\\\n --fleet-id fleet-12345678-abcdefghi \\\\\\n --ip-address\\n</code></pre>\\n<p>Now, you can start a debug session of your game server by retrieving the authorization token for your laptop in the fleet that you created.</p>\n<pre><code class=\\"lang-\\">\$ aws gamelift get-compute-auth-token \\\\\\n --fleet-id fleet-12345678-abcdefghi \\\\\\n --compute-name ChannyDevLaptop\\n\\n</code></pre>\\n<p>To run a debug instance of your game server executable, your game server must call <code>InitSDK()</code>. After the process is ready to host a game session, the game server calls <code>ProcessReady()</code>. To learn more, see <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Integrating games with custom game servers</a> and <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Testing your integration</a> in the AWS documentation.</p>\\n<h3><a id=\\"Now_Available_78\\"></a><ins>Now Available</ins></h3>\\n<p>Amazon GameLift Anywhere is available in all Regions where Amazon GameLift is available. GameLift offers a <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">step-by-step developer guide</a>, <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">API reference guide</a>, and <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">GameLift SDKs</a>. You can also see for yourself how easy it is to test [Amazon GameLift]( using <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">our sample game</a> to get started.</p>\\n<p>Give it a try, and please send feedback to <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">AWS re:Post for Amazon GameLift</a> or through your usual AWS support contacts.</p>\\n<p>– <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Channy</a></p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"4cb1206ddc6551fff41080fcf865b37.png\\" /></p>\n<h3><a id=\\"Channy_Yunhttpsawsamazoncomblogsawsauthorchannyyun_88\\"></a><strong><a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Channy Yun</a></strong></h3>\n<p>Channy Yun is a Principal Developer Advocate for AWS, and passionate about helping developers to build modern applications on latest AWS services. A pragmatic developer and blogger at heart, he loves community-driven learning and sharing of technology, which has funneled developers to global AWS Usergroups. His main topics are open-source, container, storage, network &amp; security, and IoT. Follow him on Twitter at @channyun.</p>\n"}
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