Introducing AWS Application Composer (Preview)

Amazon Lambda
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{"value":"Posted On: Dec 1, 2022\n\nAWS Application Composer helps developers simplify and accelerate architecting, configuring, and building serverless applications. You can drag, drop, and connect AWS services into an application architecture by using AWS Application Composer’s browser-based visual canvas. AWS Application Composer helps you focus on building by maintaining deployment-ready infrastructure as code (IaC) definitions, complete with integration configuration for each service.\n\nDevelopers new to building serverless applications can face a steep learning curve when composing applications from multiple AWS services. They need to understand how to configure each service, and then learn and write IaC to deploy their application. When making changes to an existing application, developers can find it difficult to communicate architectural changes with their teams by reading updates to large IaC definition files. With AWS Application Composer, you can start a new architecture from scratch, or you can import an existing [AWS CloudFormation]( or [AWS Serverless Application Model]( (SAM) template. You can add and connect AWS services, and AWS Application Composer helps generate deployment-ready projects, such as IaC definitions and [AWS Lambda]( function code scaffolding. AWS Application Composer then maintains the visual representation of your application architecture in sync with your IaC, in real time. \n\n\n\nAWS Application Composer is available at no additional charge in the following [AWS Regions]( US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (Ireland). To get started visit the AWS Application Composer [product page]( To learn more, please see the [launch blog post](","render":"<p>Posted On: Dec 1, 2022</p>\n<p>AWS Application Composer helps developers simplify and accelerate architecting, configuring, and building serverless applications. You can drag, drop, and connect AWS services into an application architecture by using AWS Application Composer’s browser-based visual canvas. AWS Application Composer helps you focus on building by maintaining deployment-ready infrastructure as code (IaC) definitions, complete with integration configuration for each service.</p>\n<p>Developers new to building serverless applications can face a steep learning curve when composing applications from multiple AWS services. They need to understand how to configure each service, and then learn and write IaC to deploy their application. When making changes to an existing application, developers can find it difficult to communicate architectural changes with their teams by reading updates to large IaC definition files. With AWS Application Composer, you can start a new architecture from scratch, or you can import an existing AWS CloudFormation or AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) template. You can add and connect AWS services, and AWS Application Composer helps generate deployment-ready projects, such as IaC definitions and AWS Lambda function code scaffolding. AWS Application Composer then maintains the visual representation of your application architecture in sync with your IaC, in real time.</p>\n<p>AWS Application Composer is available at no additional charge in the following <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">AWS Regions</a>: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (Ireland). To get started visit the AWS Application Composer <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">product page</a>. To learn more, please see the <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">launch blog post</a>.</p>\n"}