Announcing the end of support for Node.js 12.x in the Amazon SDK for JavaScript (v3)

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{"value":"Starting November 1, 2022, AWS SDK For JavaScript (v3) will no longer support Node.js 12.x which was EOL on April 30, 2022.\n\nWe encourage you to upgrade to Node.js 14.x or later. We recommend Node.js 16.x, which was released on April 26, 2021 and became active LTS on October 28, 2021. For Lambda users, [AWS Lambda supports Node.js 16](\n\n#### **Why are we doing it?**\nNode.js 12.x version [has reached end-of-lif]( We are seeing support drop within the Node.js community. To make sure we are providing up-to-date and secure libraries, we’re joining this migration. We encourage you to do the same to ensure your applications and services remain secure.\n\n#### **What is going to happen?**\nIf you’re using AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) in Node.js 12.x, the following message will be shown when you create an instance of any client:\n\nJavaScript\n```\\n// test.mjs or test.js with type:module\\nimport { DynamoDB } from \\"@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb\\";\\n\\nconst client = new DynamoDB({});\\n```\n\nBash\n```\\n\$ node --version\\nv12.22.12\\n\\n\$ node test.mjs\\n...\\nNodeDeprecationWarning: The AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) will\\nno longer support Node.js v12.22.12 on November 1, 2022.\\n\\nTo continue receiving updates to AWS services, bug fixes, and security\\nupdates please upgrade to Node.js 14.x or later.\\n\\nFor details, please refer our blog post:\\n...\\n```\nOn November 1, 2022, the GitHub and npm release for AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) will update engines field in package.json to drop support for Node.js 12.x. The installation for newer versions of AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) will fail in Node.js <14.x if you have set ```engine-strict=true``` as follows:\\n\\nBash\\n```\\n\$ node --version\\nv12.22.12\\n\\n\$ npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3\\n...\\nnpm ERR! code ENOTSUPnpm ERR! notsup Unsupported engine for aws-sdk@<version>: wanted: {\\"node\\":\\">=14.0.0\\"} (current: {\\"node\\":\\"12.22.12\\",\\"npm\\":\\"6.14.16\\"})\\n...\\n```\\nYou can continue to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) versions released before November 1, 2022 in Node.js <14.x.\\n\\n#### **Maintenance Policies**\\n##### **The Node.js Release Schedule**\\nPlease see the [Node.js release schedule]( for a complete list of Node.js versions and their maintenance status.\\n\\n![image.png](\\n\\nThe new even-numbered versions (e.g. v12.x, v14.x, v16.x etc) are released in April, while odd-numbered versions (e.g. v15.x, v17.x) are released in October. When a new odd-numbered release are available, the previous even-numbered version transitions to LTS.\\n\\n#### **AWS SDKs and Tools**\\nFor more information regarding maintenance and deprecation for AWS SDKs, please see the [AWS SDKs and Tools Maintenance Policy]( Our policy is to continue supporting SDK dependencies for at least 6 months after the community or vendor ends support for the dependency.\\n\\n#### **Feedback**\\nWe value your feedback, so please tell us what you like and don’t like by opening [a discussion on GitHub](\\n\\n![image.png](\\n\\n**Trivikram Kamat**\\nTrivikram is maintainer of AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js and browser. Trivikram is also a Node.js Core collaborator and have contributed to HTTP, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 over QUIC implementations in the past. He has been writing JavaScript for over a decade. You can find him on Twitter [@trivikram]( and GitHub [@trivikr](\\n","render":"<p>Starting November 1, 2022, AWS SDK For JavaScript (v3) will no longer support Node.js 12.x which was EOL on April 30, 2022.</p>\n<p>We encourage you to upgrade to Node.js 14.x or later. We recommend Node.js 16.x, which was released on April 26, 2021 and became active LTS on October 28, 2021. For Lambda users, <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">AWS Lambda supports Node.js 16</a>.</p>\\n<h4><a id=\\"Why_are_we_doing_it_4\\"></a><strong>Why are we doing it?</strong></h4>\\n<p>Node.js 12.x version <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">has reached end-of-lif</a>e. We are seeing support drop within the Node.js community. To make sure we are providing up-to-date and secure libraries, we’re joining this migration. We encourage you to do the same to ensure your applications and services remain secure.</p>\\n<h4><a id=\\"What_is_going_to_happen_7\\"></a><strong>What is going to happen?</strong></h4>\\n<p>If you’re using AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) in Node.js 12.x, the following message will be shown when you create an instance of any client:</p>\n<p>JavaScript</p>\n<pre><code class=\\"lang-\\">// test.mjs or test.js with type:module\\nimport { DynamoDB } from &quot;@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb&quot;;\\n\\nconst client = new DynamoDB({});\\n</code></pre>\\n<p>Bash</p>\n<pre><code class=\\"lang-\\">\$ node --version\\nv12.22.12\\n\\n\$ node test.mjs\\n...\\nNodeDeprecationWarning: The AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) will\\nno longer support Node.js v12.22.12 on November 1, 2022.\\n\\nTo continue receiving updates to AWS services, bug fixes, and security\\nupdates please upgrade to Node.js 14.x or later.\\n\\nFor details, please refer our blog post:\\n...\\n</code></pre>\\n<p>On November 1, 2022, the GitHub and npm release for AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) will update engines field in package.json to drop support for Node.js 12.x. The installation for newer versions of AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) will fail in Node.js &lt;14.x if you have set <code>engine-strict=true</code> as follows:</p>\\n<p>Bash</p>\n<pre><code class=\\"lang-\\">\$ node --version\\nv12.22.12\\n\\n\$ npm install @aws-sdk/client-s3\\n...\\nnpm ERR! code ENOTSUPnpm ERR! notsup Unsupported engine for aws-sdk@&lt;version&gt;: wanted: {&quot;node&quot;:&quot;&gt;=14.0.0&quot;} (current: {&quot;node&quot;:&quot;12.22.12&quot;,&quot;npm&quot;:&quot;6.14.16&quot;})\\n...\\n</code></pre>\\n<p>You can continue to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) versions released before November 1, 2022 in Node.js &lt;14.x.</p>\n<h4><a id=\\"Maintenance_Policies_48\\"></a><strong>Maintenance Policies</strong></h4>\\n<h5><a id=\\"The_Nodejs_Release_Schedule_49\\"></a><strong>The Node.js Release Schedule</strong></h5>\\n<p>Please see the <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Node.js release schedule</a> for a complete list of Node.js versions and their maintenance status.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p>The new even-numbered versions (e.g. v12.x, v14.x, v16.x etc) are released in April, while odd-numbered versions (e.g. v15.x, v17.x) are released in October. When a new odd-numbered release are available, the previous even-numbered version transitions to LTS.</p>\n<h4><a id=\\"AWS_SDKs_and_Tools_56\\"></a><strong>AWS SDKs and Tools</strong></h4>\\n<p>For more information regarding maintenance and deprecation for AWS SDKs, please see the <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">AWS SDKs and Tools Maintenance Policy</a>. Our policy is to continue supporting SDK dependencies for at least 6 months after the community or vendor ends support for the dependency.</p>\\n<h4><a id=\\"Feedback_59\\"></a><strong>Feedback</strong></h4>\\n<p>We value your feedback, so please tell us what you like and don’t like by opening <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">a discussion on GitHub</a>.</p>\\n<p><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"image.png\\" /></p>\n<p><strong>Trivikram Kamat</strong><br />\\nTrivikram is maintainer of AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js and browser. Trivikram is also a Node.js Core collaborator and have contributed to HTTP, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 over QUIC implementations in the past. He has been writing JavaScript for over a decade. You can find him on Twitter <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">@trivikram</a> and GitHub <a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">@trivikr</a>.</p>\n"}
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